10 Homemade Fabric Softeners That Are Better Than Store-Bought

Making your own fabric softener and dryer sheets is the ideal method to save money while also helping to protect the environment from harsh chemicals and preservatives.

1. Easy Two Ingredient Fabric Softener Crystals

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These fabric softener crystals only have two ingredients and they are just as good as those more expensive Downy or Gain crystals. They are really easy to put together and you just need kosher salt and your favorite essential oils.

These are great because you can use your favorite scent or mix a few scents together to create something really unique. And, you use them just like you do those store bought crystals.

Recipe/Tutorial: helloglow

2. Homemade Kiwi Lime Fabric Softener

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This liquid fabric softener recipe smells so great – it will make you think you are permanently on vacation. This one has kiwi lime hair conditioner – but you could do any scent that you want.

The conditioner is what makes your clothes so super soft and the other ingredients help to remove odor and give clothes a nice fresh look. This is a liquid softener that you add to the washing machine and it couldn’t be easier to make.

Recipe/Tutorial: ourcloverhouse

3. Baking Soda Based Fabric Softener

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This fabric softener recipe has essential oils, so you can choose your favorite scent. It also has Epsom salts and baking soda to remove odors and leave your clothes feeling and smelling so fresh and clean.

You toss this into your washing machine before the rinse cycle and it dissolves very well in cold water so there is no residue left over like you have with other products.

Recipe/Tutorial: everydayroots

4. Homemade Dryer Sheets

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Making your own dryer sheets is really easy and you avoid any chemicals that are included in regular dryer sheets. You just mix up the dryer sheet solution and then add it to a stack of cotton cloths that you cut into squares.

Old baby diapers are perfect for making your own dryer sheets and this is one of the easiest homemade fabric softener solutions to mix up. Pair these with DIY laundry detergent to really save a bundle when you do laundry.

Recipe/Tutorial: diynatural

5. Easiest Homemade Fabric Softener

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So, if you want something really easy in terms of making your own fabric softener, here is it – use baking soda. That’s really all you need to leave your clothes soft and static free and to remove any odors that maybe didn’t come completely out in the wash.

Plus, baking soda is so cheap – much cheaper than fabric softeners and it’s really all you need to soften your clothes and keep them looking great.

Recipe/Tutorial: thehomemadeexperiment

6. Repurposed Fabric Scrap Dryer Sheets

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Here is another wonderful way to make your own dryer sheets and this one lets you use up those scrap fabric pieces. You always want a good way to repurpose scrap fabric and turning those pieces into dryer sheets makes so much sense.

You can store these in an airtight container for such a long time without them drying out and you use essential oils to get the specific scent that you want.

Recipe/Tutorial: viewfromthefridge

7. All Natural Homemade Fabric Softener

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If you are looking to make your own fabric softener, avoiding chemicals may be one of the reasons. This all natural fabric softener has nothing but borax, baking soda and vinegar and you can add your favorite essential oils, too.

The baking soda and vinegar help to remove odors and your essential oils will make your clothes smell amazing for days. This is a really simple, really safe and healthy homemade fabric softener to use.

Recipe/Tutorial: household-tips

8. Simple One Ingredient Liquid Fabric Softener

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Cleaning vinegar is the ingredient used to make this liquid fabric softener and there are many reasons why it is great for your laundry. White cleaning vinegar is great for eliminating mildew smells and it helps with hard water, too.

If you have a lot of mineral deposits in your water, the vinegar can help to protect your clothes and leave them feeling soft and smelling great.

Recipe/Tutorial: livesimply

9. Easy All Natural Liquid Fabric Softener

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Sometimes the simplest things do the most work. Take this easy homemade fabric softener for instance, it just has two ingredients and it works just as well as those really expensive natural fabric softeners in the stores.

You just need essential oils and vinegar for this one and it really does leave your clothes smelling great and feeling so soft. The vinegar helps to eliminate static cling, too.

Recipe/Tutorial: theconfidentmom

10. Homemade Wool Dryer Balls

If you haven’t used wool dryer balls, you’re really missing out. These things are great for keeping your laundry soft and static free and you can make them yourself.

They also help to shorten your drying time, which saves you money and they eliminate wrinkles. Once you have your dryer balls made, you just spray them with your favorite homemade fabric softener, like a mixture of vinegar and essential oils, and toss them in the dryer to do their job.

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