10 Innovative Tricks That You Can Use at Any Time

Lifehack videos seem to have gone viral only a few years ago, causing everyone to become obsessed with discovering shortcuts in everyday tasks. However, according to Merriam Webster Dictionary, the word “life hack” was first used in 2004 with the current meaning.

That’s why, in this article, we’ve compiled a list of ideas that you can apply now or in the future.

Bottle opener

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© AlbertDumblestein / reddit

If you’re staying at a hotel and you can’t find a bottle opener, the door will absolutely do the trick.

No more leaky bottles

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© ladysnowbloos / reddit

If you have an annoying bottle that leaks all the time, just tape a napkin or a paper towel to it.

Cleaning everywhere

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© beeanchor13 / reddit

Sometimes even the narrowest attachment for a vacuum cleaner can’t do the job. Just use a toilet paper roll and adjust it.

Chip clip

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© RealPinchersKorean / reddit

If you can’t find a chip clip, you can use something that we all have in the house like a pen, for example.

Pool noodle protector

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© lifeprotips / twitter

To protect a car door from getting scratched by a garage wall, attach a pool noodle to the wall.

Toothbrush holder

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© BrReg / reddit

Sometimes hotels don’t provide toothbrush holders, or you are hesitant to use them. You can use a paper cup as a holder.

Keeping the curtains closed

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It can be annoying when curtains don’t want to stay closed. To avoid that, you can use a hanger.

Reusable Swiffer pads

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If you run out of Swiffer pads, you can use a fuzzy sock and then wash it. Not only does it work like a charm, but it can also help to save a few bucks.

Sprinkler system

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© yeadude / reddit

Here’s a quick and easy sprinkler system for your garden that is both planet and budget-friendly.

A clean shower head

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© bricolage-decoracao / blogspot.com

If you put some vinegar diluted with water in a bag, tie it around your shower head and let it soak for a few minutes, you will be left with a nice, clean, shiny shower head.


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© FloralRoseX / reddit

Did you know that some brands put the actual product in the little cube on the bottom? It’s worth checking — maybe your favorite lipstick that you are running out of can get a second chance!

Have you tried any of these hacks? Let us know your favorite trick in the comments!

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