10+ Things You Shouldn’t Keep In Your Bathroom

Because of the heat and humidity in a typical bathroom, so it’s not always the best place to keep all your items. Here’s a list of things you shouldn’t keep in your bathroom.

1. Makeup

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As a rule of thumb, makeup should be stored at room temperature — making the ever-changing temp in your bathroom (from sweltering when someone’s showering to cool when it’s not in use) not ideal. Perhaps this is just another reason you need that gorgeous vanity for your bedroom?

2. Medicine

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Your prescription should stay far away from moisture and at room temperature (between 68 and 77 degrees). The drugs could lose their effectiveness if not stored in a cool and dry place.

3. Non-Waterproof Electronics

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Love to listen to music as you shower or bathe? Well, skip your iPod or everyday radio. High humidity makes these items vulnerable to damage. Stick with an appliance specifically made for bathrooms instead.

4. Razors

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Don’t ruin your blade before you even put it to work: Store extras outside of the bathroom to avoid the steam and humidity dulling or rusting them prematurely. (Drying the razor you’re currently using in-between shaves is a good idea, too.) Or keep extra razors in a resealable plastic bag to block out the moisture.

5. Jewelry

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You might don your favorite necklace or ring as soon as you step out of the shower, but don’t get in the habit of storing it in the bathroom when you’re not wearing it. Why? The humid environment will speed up the oxidation process and cause jewelry to tarnish faster. Opt for a cool, dry room for safekeeping instead.

6. Nail Polish

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If you want to extend the expected two-year life of your pretty polishes, don’t store ’em in the bathroom where the temperature is always changing. Instead, stash them at room temperature — and that means you shouldn’t put them in your fridge either.

7. Toothbrush

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A 2012 study from Manchester University in England found that your toothbrush may house more than 10 million bacteria, and a portion of that comes from fecal matter that’s sprayed around the room every time you flush the toilet. To keep your brush as germ-free as possible, rinse and air-dry it after each use, and, if you still choose to store it in the bathroom, close the toilet lid before you flush—and definitely, don’t store it next to the toilet.

8. Perfume

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Heat and perfume just don’t mix. The experts at perfume.org say that fluctuations in temperature (the kind that can occur when you take steamy showers) can destroy the molecular integrity of your fragrance and cause it to sour.

9. Towels

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Bathrooms are the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew, and your towels are easily susceptible to these gross fungi. It’s fine to keep one towel hung up in the bathroom, as long as you swap it out once a week. Turning on an exhaust fan can help dry out the room and your damp towel faster.

10. Bathrobe

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Another bit of ironic advice: Keep bathrobes out of the bathroom. Just like towels, damp robes could harbor bacteria, and humidity can give them a musty odor. Let them dry in your closet instead of on a hook in your bathroom.

11. Books

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The books and magazines that are kept in the bathroom will absorb moisture, leaving you with wrinkled pages and deteriorating binding.

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