10+ Useful Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar Around the House

Apple cider vinegar is a multi-faceted household item. Whether you’re in a bind with a recipe, or you can’t seem to find the kinds of ingredients you need, apple cider vinegar is a likely solution to your needs. Read on to learn 10+ resourceful ways to use apple cider vinegar around the home.

Cleaning Aid

1. Stain Remover

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Home and Garden shares that apple cider vinegar “is a veritable powerhouse when it comes to pre-treating stains, softening water, and boosting regular laundry detergents.

2. Rinsing Agent

Put apple cider vinegar to your test during the rinse cycle too. The natural components in apple cider vinegar work wonder as a rinsing agent in your home washing machine.

3. Fabric Softener

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The same rule applies to fabric softeners. Don’t only use apple cider vinegar to clean your clothes and blankets, also put this household item to use to keep your linens and clothes feeling as soft as can be.

4. Garbage Disposal Aid

Your clothes aren’t the only things apple cider vinegar can clean. Use apple cider vinegar to clean your home’s garbage disposal. Simply pour a bit of vinegar down the disposal with lemon and a dash of baking soda, let sit, then run the water and disposal for a thorough cleaning.

5. Bug Repellent

Reduce the amount of home cleaning you’ll have to do by using apple cider vinegar to proactively keep ants away. Ants tend to avoid apple cider vinegar like poison, so pour a little bit in kitchen areas where you’ve experienced ant problems.

6. Fly Trap

Speaking of bugs and home cleaning, apple cider vinegar also serves as a great flytrap. Keep your kitchen clean by setting out a plastic-wrapped bowl filled with apple cider vinegar. Poke a couple of small holes in the plastic wrap, and enjoy your bug-free eating zone!

7. Humidifier Cleaner

Apple cider vinegar is also known for its utility in cleaning humidifiers. Simply remove the filter and rinse with water, then add the vinegar to the tank to sit for half an hour. Rinse, dry, and the cleaning is complete.

Using Apple Cider Vinegar for House Pets

8. Training Cats

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Help your cat learn what areas of your home are play-safe areas by putting drops of apple cider vinegar in places where they shouldn’t be.

9. Protecting Pets

Apple cider vinegar can also help protect your pet from catching fleas. Create a mixture composed of half water, half apple cider vinegar to spray on your pet before he or she goes outside to help protect your creature from fleas.

Apple Cider Vinegar Home Remedies

10. Heartburn Relief

If your medicine cabinet fails you, apple cider vinegar is a great aid for fighting heartburn. Mix a tablespoon of vinegar into a glass of apple juice for best taste/results.

11. Cough Reduction

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If you’re wrestling a sore throat, heat up some hot water and add two tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. This works for sore throats too!
uses for apple cider vinegar

12. Help for Indigestion

If you experience an upset stomach, turn to a glass of water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to find relief from your indigestion and stomach pain.

Apple Cider Vinegar in the Kitchen

13. Substitute for Buttermilk

Apple cider vinegar comes to the rescue when you realize in a pinch that you forgot to pick up buttermilk. Save yourself the pain of going to the store by adding a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of milk. Let the milk sit for at least five minutes, and once the milk thickens you’ll have buttermilk.

14. Fortify Hard-Boiled Eggs

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To help avoid broken shells for your hard-boiled eggs, add apple cider vinegar to the water to fortify the shells.

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