10+ Well-liked Foods But They Can Do More Harm Than Good

In this article, we’ll tell you all about the most popular foods that can harm your health, and that you must eliminate from your shopping list for healthier nutrition!

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

UnHealthy food
Photo: Freepik

Apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy commonly used to cleanse the colon, hair care, even to lose weight. But is it dangerous to drink apple cider vinegar every day? Well, it is preferable to consume it in the form of a cure not exceeding 3 weeks. Consuming apple cider vinegar in large amounts or over a long period of time is harmful to tooth enamel, it can cause bloating, and may cause burns to the esophagus or skin (when applied topically).

2. Baby-cut Carrots

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These mini-carrots, which we find today well packed, and moist for quick and convenient consumption. Nevertheless, several studies confirm that the nutritional quality of an unfrozen vegetable deteriorates over time, therefore these packaged products have less nutritional value, and it’s always better to make them at home.

3. Instant Oatmeal

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Instant oatmeal is in fact the same oatmeal you find in your breakfast cereal but inform a fine powder for ease of use. With instant oats, you will be able to make drinks/sheath which is impossible to do with flakes. However, instant oatmeal is often blended together with flour and sugar to add flavor. The GI will be a little higher, and the grinding damages its fibers.

4. Reduced-fat Peanut Butter

beurre cacahuete

Rich in omega 3, peanut butter contains mostly unsaturated fatty acids, which help lower your bad cholesterol levels and are good for your cardiovascular health. Peanut butter is also an important source of vegetable protein and it helps build muscle mass.

Reduced-fat peanut butter seems to be a good option, but the fat is often replaced with processed fillers and sugars sugar, palm oil, or preservatives. It’s way better to enjoy the natural, full-fat variant in moderation since it contains more healthy nutrients.

5. Gluten-free Products

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Going without foods that contain gluten has become a fashion. However, if you don’t have Coeliac disease, you run the risk of suffering from nutritional deficiencies.

According to a team of researchers at Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA, removing gluten from your diet is taking the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

6. Veggie Burgers

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Contrary to what many might think, vegetable dumplings burgers that we find in fast food chains are no better for your health than their equivalent of real meat, finds a study. These are in fact processed food, and some store-bought variations can contain a high amount of salt. Eating them frequently can result in more calorie consumption and lead to health problems. To get the best out of the plant-based option, it’s better to make them yourself at home.

7. Whole-grain Bread

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Photo: Unsplash

Nutritionists have always favored wholemeal bread. A source of complex carbohydrates and rich in fiber, known as the ally of a healthy diet. But it’s unknown to people that it contains many additives. Furthermore, a new study, conducted by the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel and published in Cell Metabolism, challenges these ideas. According to scientists, the glycemic response depends on the gut microbiota and everyone reacts differently to a given type of food.

8. Rice Cakes

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Rice cakes are a popular snack or a low-calorie substitute for bread and crackers. These little treats don’t have an impressive nutritional profile and don’t have much flavor on their own. Flavored varieties often contain added sugars and other ingredients.

Also, eating rice cakes on their own can raise your blood sugar and insulin levels. To lessen their effect on your blood sugar, combine them with protein, such as meat, cheese, hummus, or nut butter, and add fiber in the form of fruits or vegetables.

9. Popular Superfoods

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Superfoods are fruits, vegetables, algae, or plants whose benefits would be greater than other foods. Their nutritional values ​​are said to be exceptional, and in terms of scientific research, many studies seem to support the theory of the existence of superfoods.

However, taking superfoods in supplement form is not the same as getting the nutrients from real foods. Also, many supplements contain ingredients that can cause a strong biological effect on the body. Remember that these are by no means “miracle” foods and that the basis of good health is simply eating the right things!

10. Hummus

Photo: Unsplash

Hummus is an excellent protein source for vegetarians, vegans, and omnivores too. Chickpeas, which are the base of nearly all hummus recipes, are high in protein, which can provide a feeling of satiety. But if you buy pre-made versions, be sure to check the label.

Choose brands made with extra virgin olive oil. Skip hummus that contains preservatives, and scan the ingredient list for things like potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, and other words you don’t recognize.

If you’re eating hummus as a snack, max out on the health perks by scooping it up with fresh, raw veggies, rather than processed chips or crackers.

11. Brown Rice Syrup

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Also called rice syrup or rice malt syrup, brown rice syrup is a sweetener derived from brown rice. Although brown rice syrup is found in many organic and healthy food products, there are no inherent benefits in it in comparison to other sugar options.

Even though brown rice syrup is promoted as plant-based, gluten-free, and generally ‘healthy,’ it is ultimately broken down into simple sugars in our bodies, just like regular white sugar and high-fructose corn syrup. It also ranks the highest in GI out of every other processed sugar, including white sugar and high-fructose corn syrup.

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