12 Incredible Uses For Fabric Softener That Are Beyond Laundry

Incredibly, fabric softener can be a great aid around the entire house – from dishwashing and repelling insects to taking care of your hair! Without further ado, we present to you incredible tips on how to use this multifunctional product!

Fabric softener is indispensable in laundry making our clothes fragrant and soft. The unmatched feeling of cleanliness and freshness is already enough to make us love softeners! Especially, fabric softener can do more things around your home beyond laundry. Here are some awesome uses of fabric softener that you might never think about.

1. Wash clothes and more

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The fabric softener may have been invented for laundry, but it’s not the only way to use it. You can replace dishwashing liquid with this product and even use it against grime on your kitchen and bathroom faucet and tiles. In addition, you can use it to wash surfaces and even remove obstinate stains.

2. Keep paintbrushes pliable

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A great tip for artists! The softener can also be used for cleaning brushes. Just wash a brush, remove the paint and then put a small amount of fabric softener on the bristles. You will appreciate the softness the next time you use it!

3. Polish furniture

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Try cleaning your furniture with a fabric softener. In addition to making it shinier, it creates a layer that prevents dust build-up.

4. Remove wallpaper

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Removing old wallpaper is a snap with a fabric softener. Just stir 1 cap-full liquid softener into 1 quart (1 liter) water and sponge the solution onto the wallpaper. Let it soak in for 20 minutes, then scrape the paper from the wall. If the wallpaper has a water-resistant coating, score it with a wire-bristle brush before treating it with the fabric softener solution.

5. Refresh Your Carpets

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To prevent the carpet from becoming rough, mix half a bottle cap of softener with one pint of water, spray it on the carpet, and spread it across the entire surface. Let it dry naturally. For those who have pets at home, the mix is also helpful in getting rid of the hair stuck in the carpets. Just apply it before using the vacuum cleaner. The same mixture helps to reduce the static of a mat.

6. Good smell for the entire house

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The softener can make your entire home smell as nice as it does the clothes. To spread the scent throughout the house, simply mix a spoonful of baking soda with two measures of water and a softener. Put it in a spray bottle and mist it around the house. A smell of cleanness!

7. Remove hard-water stains

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Hard-water stains on windows can be difficult to remove. To speed up the process, dab full-strength liquid fabric softener onto the stains and let it soak for 10 minutes. Then wipe the softener and stain off the glass with a damp cloth and rinse.

8. Remove burnt-on crust from your pots and pans

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None of us find it too terribly fun to scrub burned pans. Believe it or not, you can use fabric softener to help. To use it to remove stuck-on and burnt gunk, fill the pot or pan with water. Add a dollop of liquid fabric softener then heat. In about an hour, you should be able to wipe it clean!

9. Clean Glass

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Believe it or not, you can clean glass and repel dust with a little bit of fabric softener. You’ll mix 1 part liquid fabric softener with 4 parts water in a spray bottle. When you’re ready to clean your glass, spray a bit onto a clean cloth and clean your glass like normal. Once it’s clean, wipe off any residue and polish using a second clean (and dry) rag. Your glass should be clean with no streaks or residue.

10. Remove hair-spray residue

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Dried-on overspray from hair spray can be tough to remove from walls and vanities, but even a buildup of residue is no match for a solution of 1 part liquid fabric softener to 2 parts water. Stir to blend, pour into a spray bottle, spritz the surface, and polish it with a dry cloth.

11. Use a softener for your hair

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This one is truly unexpected! Incredibly, the softener can also be used to soften your locks! Just mix the product in water thoroughly and wash the hair with this mixture after applying the hair mask. Avoid wetting the roots and scalp. Then rinse the hair again with running water. The fabric softener will make the hair thinner, and silkier.

12. Get rid of insects

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It is an incredible ally in the fight against ants. Just mix a little water with the product and place it where the insects usually appear. Say goodbye to annoying ants!

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