15 Clever Car Cleaning Hacks With Budget-friendly

Ditching the professional car cleaning services, check out these car cleaning tips below. They’re pretty useful that will help get your car squeaky clean and organized!
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Some of us think of our cars as second homes. We certainly spend enough time in them.

Lengthy commutes and busy lifestyles ensure that we spend many hours in our vehicles. And on a daily basis, dirt, gunk, and rubbish can build up…taking up more time and energy to keep tidy.

Luckily there are lots of easy and effective car cleaning hacks that we can use. Check out right now!

1. Brush Dirt and Grime Out Using a Toothbrush

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Removing dirt and grime between the seams is pretty easy if you’re using a toothbrush. Gently brush the dirt and you’ll have a mess-free car seat in a jiffy!

2. Use Coffee Filters For Dusting

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Dusting is pretty easy, but not if you have a cloth that spreads lint everywhere. Coffee filters have an awesome quality about them which allows for dust to be picked up easily, so there’s really no need to spend a ton of money on expensive car cleaners.
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The lint-free material of the coffee filter is perfect for wiping car dashboards, the center console, and other parts. Try it for yourself and find out!

3. Car Cleaning Slime

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Car cleaning slime placed on a car’s air vent
If you think slime is just great for kids, then think again. Because of slime’s natural malleability, you can use it to pick up any dust and dirt in your car’s hard-to-reach crevices without making a mess.

4. Use a Microfiber Mitt to Clean Your Car

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To have a lint-free and scratch-free car washing experience, consider this microfiber mitt. It’s really handy and holds lots of water for cleaning your car.

5. Dust Your Vent with a Foam Craft Brush

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Car air vents can get pretty dusty over time, but those narrow slots make it tough to clean with just a rag. If you need some extra reach, you can make a small sponge brush soaked with some cleaner and that will take care of the job.

6. Clean Your Windshield and Car Windows with Baby Wipes

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Keep your windshield clean and clear by using baby wipes. One wipe surprisingly does a lot of work.

7. Fix Bad Smells in Your Car’s Air Conditioner with Lysol

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If you want to get rid of all the bad smells coming from your air conditioner, then try spraying a Lysol into the airflow inlet. This will make your ride both more pleasant and popular.

8. Condition Your Dashboard with Vaseline

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Vaseline works wonderfully at conditioning the dashboard and giving it a nice shine. It’s time-saving, effective, and inexpensive.

9. Olive Oil Dashboard Polish

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Don’t have any vaseline lying around? Then most likely you’ll have olive oil.

Traditional wipes or dashboard sprays are expensive, full of chemicals, and sometimes don’t do the job properly. So instead, try using olive oil and some paper towels to make your car dashboard clean and shiny.

Just make sure to fully wipe off excess oil with your paper towels otherwise it’ll collect more dust.

10. Polish Leather With Olive Oil

Usually, cars’ interiors and fixtures are made up of leather that gets darkened and faded over time. And since leather cleaners are pricey, you can also use olive oil as an alternative. Pretty versatile, right?

Just apply a small amount of oil onto a cleaning rag and rub in a circular motion on your leather interior. Let it dry and wipe off all excess fully with a clean rag.

11. Make Sure You Clean Your Windshield’s Interior

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So you’re done cleaning your car’s outside, now let’s work on the interior. Improve your windshield visibility by using this microfiber glass wiper. It’s so much better to drive with a clear, undistracted view of everything.

12. Sprinkle Baking Soda on Your Seats Before Vacuuming

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Step up your vacuuming technique with this humble yet super helpful hack. The baking soda can remove bad odors from your car carpets and upholstery.

13. Remove Car Stickers with a Hair Blower

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While removing stickers isn’t as easy as putting them on, this hack will make your work less tiresome and sticky. Goodbye unwanted stickers!

14. Keep Silicone Liners in Your Cup Holders

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Gunk and grime can easily get into your cup holders and nobody likes cleaning them out. But just using a couple of silicone liners can keep clean-up super fast and simple.

15. Clean Cup Holders With A Sock, Travel Cup & Windex

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Let’s be honest, cup holders can get pretty grimy and gross. But just attaching an old sock to a travel cup and wetting it with Windex can be an easy way to clean them out. Just twist it around in the holder, and anything stuck on will come off!

Do this a few times if need be and, hey presto, it’s done!

Who says that car cleaning would need tons of time and effort when there are plenty of hacks that can make it easier? These tips are seriously time-saving and will help improve your in-car experience. So in your next cleaning session, try these tips.

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