15 Clever House Cleaning Tips For Busy People

It’s not easy to find the energy and time to keep your house clean when you work from dawn to night, then have to cook dinner and walk the dog, as well as spend time with your children and husband.

We’ve compiled a list of 15 clever house cleaning tips that’ll help busy people to keep their homes clean and tidy.

1. Dirty shoes

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© organizedmom.net

A shoe tray is a perfect solution. You may also want to decorate it with different nice stones.

2. Soap is everywhere.

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© pixabay

Buy liquid soap in a nice bottle. Believe us, this tiny change saves so much time!

3. A dishwasher isn’t just for dishes.

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© lifehack.org

You can wash makeup brushes, toys, plastic pencil cups, and even flip-flops in a dishwasher. By the way, it’s also great for fruits and vegetables.

4. Shaving cream can remove stains.

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© modabellezaeinspiracion.com

Did you know that you can remove stains with the help of shaving cream? You just have to pat the spot with a wet sponge, apply some shaving cream to it using a brush, and then wipe clean with a sponge. By the way, shaving cream also does a great job at breaking down stubborn grease and oil stains.

5. Pet bed

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© NukeMedDoc/ reddit

Just cover your pet’s bed with a disposable diaper. It’s as soft and nice as the bed itself. Change diapers twice a week and the bed will always stay clean.

6. Pet hair

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© jamgo.co

A window scraper copes well with pet hair on carpet.

7. Universal sticky roller

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© urun.n11.com

A sticky roller works well on all surfaces by removing dust and other particles. And, you won’t need to get the surface wet to clean it.

8. How to clean a toilet in 10 minutes

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© gainsur.com

Cleaning a dirty toilet is actually only a 10-minute job, if you know a trick. You’ll need a toilet brush, baking soda, and vinegar. Pour 1 cup of vinegar into the toilet bowl and leave it to sit for a minute. Add about 1 cup of baking soda and then add another 1-2 cups of vinegar. The mixture should create a bubbly solution. Then leave it for about 5 minutes and scrub the toilet with a toilet brush.

9. Forever clean fridge

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© amandathevirtuouswife.com

You can cover fridge shelves with plastic wrap and change it when it gets dirty.

10. Greasy baking sheet

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© katiewanders.com

You can cover your baking sheet with foil or parchment paper and remove it after cooking. Easy!

11. Don’t waste too much effort removing stains.

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© eqrunner

Put a brush on a drill and let it do all the work since we only use it once or twice a year.

12. Edible tableware

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© anonymous

Put a thin tortilla on a plate. Then put the other foods you’ll be eating on top and you’ll just have to remove the tortilla’s flour after eating.

13. Everything is by your side.

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© bhg.com/homekeeping

Put everything in a plastic container and take it with you while cleaning so you won’t have to always go and get another cleaning product. Believe us, you’ll save a lot of time and effort.

14. Clean windows without any effort

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© pixabay

Do you still waste a whole weekend cleaning windows? We know how to do it in 2 hours. Put 1 tbsp of starch in 40 fl oz of water, rub your windows with this solution, wipe off with a wet rag, and dry. Done!

15. Shiny mirrors

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© furnitureinfashion.net, © depositphotos.com

Use a half of a potato to clean all mirrors. Rub the surface with a potato, wipe it with a wet cloth, and wipe dry.

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