15 Other Uses For Herbs That Don’t Involve Cooking

Not just for cooking, herbs are great for beauty and healing. Explore a list of the 15 ways to use your summer herb bounty.

Having an herb garden is not just a fad – it’s something every household needs! And the best part is that you don’t need an actual garden to grow herbs – many of them are happy to scent your balcony or window from their very pots.

1. DIY Botanical Cologne

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Create your signature scent by mixing some of your favorite herbs and spices with vodka. It’s as easy as it sounds!

2. Herb-Infused Hair Rinse

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Did you know that rosemary is recommended for all hair types, and lavender is great for oily hair? Now you can put those herbs to some good use right on your scalp. Here are the best herbs that are great for healthy hair.


Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, dried hibiscus flowers can help improve the overall health of your hair and scalp. I would avoid this if you have blonde or light brown hair because it gives the ACV a red tint, which is great for red or dark hair highlights but could temporarily stain lighter hair.


Lavender is said to deep condition hair, which in turn helps it stay soft and shiny.


Rosemary is chock full of oils and nutrients that nourish the root, encourage hair growth, and increase circulation in the scalp. If you don’t have fresh or dried herbs, add a couple of drops of rosemary essential oil for the same hair growth benefits.


Thyme delivers powerful nutrients to hair follicles that are necessary for healthy hair growth. Like rosemary, thyme improves blood circulation to the scalp and encourages hair to grow thicker and stronger.


Ginseng is often found in shampoos and conditioners because of its hair stimulating benefits. Not only does it promote hair growth, but it also reduces shedding and decreases inflammation in the scalp.


Nettle leaves are rich in silica and sulfur which are great hair boosters. Applying nettle topically not only promotes healthy hair growth but can also help scalp conditions like psoriasis and dandruff.

Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root contains low concentrations of ceramide precursors which bind to the hair, making strands look thicker and feel stronger. It’s also somewhat slippery and can therefore be used as an alternative to a conditioner.

3. Insomnia Remedy

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Lavender is an excellent remedy against insomnia, and there are several ways you can use that to your advantage.

4. Aromatic Wax Firestarters

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Start your next fire with a wonderful combination of scents, including rosemary, bay, and cloves.Skiplacourcom s voor oudere mannen, trainingen, bodybuilding, fitness, motivatie, systeem voor leeftijdsoptimalisatie cenforce 150 hoeveel proteïne heb je dagelijks nodig? wees krijger – bodybuilding tipsworkout.

5. Dryer Sheets

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Fill old pillowcases with lavender to make homemade dryer sheets that will leave your laundry smelling wonderful.

6. Homemade Dish Soap

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Make dishwashing more enjoyable (yes, it’s possible) by adding the fresh scent of antiseptic rosemary.

7. Bath Soak

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Use Epsom salt with herbs from the garden to create the perfect homemade bath soak. Relaxation guaranteed.

8. Homemade Soap

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This easy recipe will get you into soap-making in no time! We used basil, mint, and rosemary mixed with citrus. You might also like these herb and spice soaps that make great gifts, too.

9. Healing Balms

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Learn how to make healing balms infused with herbs, such as this peppermint and lavender balm to relieve headaches.

10. Infused Body Oil

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Transfer the beauty benefits of herbs to your skin by soaking them in oil and infusing them.

11. Herbal Tincture

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There are so many useful tinctures you can make at home using herbs and alcohol!

12. Herbal Hydrosol Perfume

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There are many ways to make perfume, but how about one that’s also helpful? Use the properties of healing herbs to create a signature scent.

13. Anxiety Relief

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Certain plants, such as lavender or valerian, have known calming properties. They can help with anxiety and insomnia.

14. Detox Body Wrap

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This recipe uses fresh herbs (think rosemary and sage), which is perfect for summer when fresh herbs are cheaper and easier to find.

15. Herbal Poultice

To make a healing poultice, you simply want to crush the herbs into a pulp and spread it directly onto the skin, where it will be held in place with muslin or cheesecloth.

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