15 Things To Never Wash With Dish Soap That You Need To Know

While dishwashing soap is still a must-have in any kitchen, you’ll think twice about using it on certain things. Below, we are going to talk about things you should never wash with dish soap.

1. Coffee Maker

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There are a couple of reasons you shouldn’t wash your coffeemaker with dish soap. The first reason is that it can leave a residue that is hard to rinse off. Even when you think you have got it all off, there will likely still be a soap flavor in your next couple of pots.

The other reason depends on your coffeemaker. Many coffeemakers have a coating that makes your coffee taste better and prevents burning from the sides of the pot. Washing with dishwashing soap will remove this coating over time.

2. Your Pets

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You shouldn’t wash your pets with this kind of soap, but it is especially harmful to dogs. A dog’s skin will become dry and irritated, causing your dog to become itchy all over. Plus, it can damage their fur, leaving their skin exposed in areas.

You might think dish soap is pet-safe because of the video you see of rescuers bathing sea life in the blue Dawn soap after oil spills. Vets seem to agree that it’s okay for this emergency application. However, you should find a shampoo created specifically for pets. The dish soap can cause dry skin, flaky patches, and irritation if you use it regularly.

3. Windows Or Mirrors

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While this soap will remove build-up from the windows and mirrors, it still won’t look good. Since it isn’t designed to clean glass, it will cause streaks that are hard to wash off. Instead, save yourself some time and hassle and opt for the glass cleaner in the beginning.

4. Food

While you may think that washing your fruits and vegetables with this soap will be beneficial, it isn’t. Fruits and vegetables have pores that the soap can easily get inside. This will be impossible to rinse off, leaving you to consume the soap completely.

Not only will this taste bad, but it could have physical effects, as well. It could cause gastrointestinal problems or nausea.

5. Your Dishwasher

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Soap cannot be used in place of dishwashing detergent. The soap is much sudsier, and it will produce too many bubbles for the dishwasher. The way the dishwasher rinses the dishes will not effectively remove all of the soap suds, either.

It is also important to note that using soap in the dishwasher can damage it. All of the soap build-up and the expanding suds can cause your machine to stop working properly.

6. Your Face

It is important to wash your face, but it is also important to use the right cleanser. Dish soap is not the answer you are looking for. It removes your skin’s natural oil, leaving your skin exposed and vulnerable.

7. A Cast Iron Skillet

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Cast iron skillets have a seasoned layer of oil on the surface. This layer is removed when soap is used on it, causing it to heat unevenly and changing the taste of the food.

8. Plants

Many people believe soap is safe to use on plants in place of an insecticide, but that isn’t true. The soap is harsh and can kill the plants, and it doesn’t seem to keep pests away, either. As you can see, there truly is no benefit to using soap on your plants.

9. Your Car

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Since you spend quite a bit of time in your car, you want it to look good on the outside and the inside. In a pinch, the dish soap may seem like an easy option for washing it. It would help if you avoid this, however, because it isn’t good for the car.

First, the soap is too harsh and can damage the paint job. Plus, it can ruin protective wax that you may have on your car, as well. However, that isn’t it, as the soap can also leave spots on your car that are seemingly impossible to get off.

10. Washing Machine

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The reasoning behind this is similar to why you can’t use soap in your dishwasher. Your washing machine isn’t designed to have so many suds in it, and the expanded suds can cause it to burst. Plus, the soap won’t even get your clothes clean because it isn’t harsh enough.

11. Hardwood Floors

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You wouldn’t want to ruin beautiful hardwood floors, so make sure you don’t use soap on them. It will leave the floors with scratches, dings, and an unsightly film on the surface if you do. This is the same for wood trim or architecture, as well.

It is okay to use this soap on other types of flooring, however. It seems to be safe to use on tile, linoleum, and vinyl flooring.

12. Your Body

Dishwashing soap is too harsh to use regularly on your body. It will dry out your skin and could cause rashes.

While using it one time likely won’t hurt, you shouldn’t make it a habit. Not only would it be uncomfortable, but it could lead to other conditions like eczema or dermatitis.

13. Your Hair

Similar to many other things mentioned before, dishwashing soap is too harsh to use on your hair. It will strip the natural oils from your hair and leave it dry and brittle. Plus, it can cause your scalp to become flaky, itchy, and irritated, too.

14. Silk

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Silk is a delicate material that should be treated as such. This means using a harsh dishwashing soap on your silk clothing should never happen. It will ruin the fabric and cause it to fall apart much more quickly.

15. Leather

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Like silk, leather needs to be treated gently. The chemicals found in dish soap will quickly destroy the leather by drying it out. Cracks will appear when the natural oil of leather is gone, ruining the look entirely.

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