15 tips to prevent mold in your wardrobe

Mold in the closet is a phenomenon that occurs often in humid places. So how to prevent and remove mold?

The last thing you want to find in your custom closets is mold or mildew. All these fungi need to grow is a damp surface, whether it’s wood, paper, fabric, carpeting, or another material. While mold can grow anywhere in your house, your closets provide the perfect environment — dark, confined, damp, poor ventilation, and no circulating air. 

One of the best solutions for removing mold is to stop it from growing in the first place. 

You can do this by controlling the moisture and humidity levels in your closets.

To protect your closets and wardrobe, follow the tips in this article to keep mold and mildew away.

Check for Water Leaks

Be sure to check your closets frequently for signs of excess water, which may indicate a leak from pipes, air ducts, or windows. Look for water on the walls, ceilings, and floors. Repair any leaks as soon as possible and dry wet areas. Mold only needs 24-48 hours to form.

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Keep Clothes Clean


Mold feeds on dirt, dried food, sweat, and dead skin cells. Mix in moisture, and you have the perfect recipe for trouble. Always wash your clothes before putting them in your closets, even if you only wore an item once. Also, relocate your laundry hamper to an area outside of your closets.

Do Not Store Wet Clothing

To avoid adding more moisture to the air, do not store damp clothing in your closets. Instead, if your clothes are still damp when you remove them from the dryer, hang them in a well-ventilated area to dry.

Never Ignore Musty Odors

If you smell a musty odor, trust your nose and don’t ignore it. It’s crucial to find the source to address the cause and stave off mold and mildew.

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Run a Dehumidifier

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Mold and mildew thrive in humid environments. Use a dehumidifier to reduce the humidity level. We advises homeowners to keep the relative humidity in their homes below 50 percent. You don’t need to get an expensive dehumidifier — a small, inexpensive model should do the trick. If your closet is too small for a dehumidifier, place it as close to the area as possible.

Use Chalk to Absorb Moisture

Believe it or not, a few pieces of chalk can help prevent mold and mildew. As notes, chalk actually absorbs moisture. All you need to do is fill a bag with a couple of sticks of chalk, hang it in your closet and let the magic happen.

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Welcome in Light

Install a low-wattage bulb and leave it on for at least six hours to burn off excess humidity and moisture in the air.  Suggests placing the light close to the floor to allow the heat to rise. Ensure the bulb is not close to anything that could catch on fire.

Give Your Clothes Space

Don’t pack clothes too tightly together. Allow space between your clothes for air to circulate.

Install an Exhaust Fan

If your closet is adjacent to your basement or a bathroom, recommends adding an exhaust fan to reduce excess moisture. 

Keep Plastic Bags Away

When you bring your clothes home from the dry cleaner, remove them from the plastic bags before putting them in your closet. Plastic bags trap moisture, which is an open invitation for mold and mildew.

Fan Out the Closets

Open the door and place a fan in the back corner of your closet, allowing warm air to blow out.

Use Storage Baskets

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Opt for storage baskets with holes rather than sealed plastic tubs or bins. Baskets allow air to circulate throughout the contents.

Clean Out Closets Periodically

Periodically inspect your closets for any signs of mold. Ensure that you clean all surfaces, including cabinets, walls, drawers, and closet rods, with soap and water. Double-check that all surfaces are dry before putting your belongings back. Vacuum any carpeting or upholstery. Once a year, think about steam cleaning your carpet.

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Consider an Air Purifier

Air purifiers not only clean the air but can also capture mold spores before they grow. Use an air purifier with a HEPA filter to prevent airborne spores from entering your wardrobe. Clean the filter each week.

Avoid Clutter

Keeping your closets organized and clutter-free enables air to circulate freely and prevents moisture build-up. Every few months, declutter your closets and get rid of anything your no longer need or want.


Mold is an unwelcome house guest and you don’t want it anywhere near your closets or your wardrobe. The key to keeping mold away is controlling the moisture and humidity levels. By implementing the preventive measures in this article, your closets will remain mold-free.

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