16 Money Saving Laundry Hacks For Busy Moms

Keeping up with laundry for a family is quite time consuming, and the cost can add up quickly. Thankfully, there are many money saving laundry tips we can take advantage of in the laundry room.

Small savings can really add up.

1.  Energy Efficient Machines

If you are in the market for a new washer and dryer then use the opportunity to purchase the most energy efficient you can afford.

Many modern washers and dryers will use more than 50% less water and up to 75% less energy.

2.  What’s Cooler Than Being Cool—Ice Cold!

Wash your clothes in cold water to save money AND be cool!  Most clothes can be washed in cold water.  Check the labels just to be sure.

3.  Money Saving Laundry Tips:  Full Loads

Never wash a partial load of laundry—always make sure you have a full load of clothes to wash.  Washing just a few articles of clothing will waste water and electricity.


4.  Frugal Ways To Save Money On Laundry Detergent

Making your own laundry detergent is a great way to save money and is also a healthier option.

Perfect for those with sensitive skin!

If DIY isn’t your thing, consider buying generic laundry detergent, use coupons, or order from subscribe and saveir?t=handlinghome 20&l=ur2&o=1&camp=1789.  

You can also use less laundry detergent than suggested on the bottle and your clothes will still be clean.

5.  Money Saving Laundry Tips:  Ditch The Dryer Sheets

Commercial fabric softeners and dryer sheets can cause a build up on your clothes.  Many contain chemicals and fragrances that cause skin and respiratory difficulties.

Thankfully, there are safe alternatives using ingredients you probably already have in your home that are very budget friendly!

For softer and fresh smelling clothes, add to the wash:

  • 1/2 cup Epsom Salt
  • 1/4 cup Baking Soda
  • 5 drops Essential Oil

Another simple option is to add 1/4 to 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar to the wash.

6.  Use A ‘One Day A Week‘ Laundry Schedule

I only do laundry one day each week for my family of five.  This is a great way for busy moms to save money AND time.

When I used to do a load of laundry each day, I would get side tracked with other chores and forget the clothes in the dryer.

I would have to restart the dryer to de-wrinkle and hope I didn’t forget again.

Some days would get so hectic that I would forget clothes in the washing machine and not remember until the next day.  If this has ever happened to you, then you know the only way to remedy this is to rewash.

Doing laundry just one day each week is my most life changing home management hack!

7.  Money Saving Laundry Tips: Residual Heat

Taking advantage of residual heat is an easy way to save money in the laundry room. 

A laundry schedule that chunks all of your washing into one day means the dryer is already heated as you add each load.

This saves a great deal of energy and will save time as well.


8.  Tap Into ‘Time Of Use’ Plans With Your Utility Company

Many energy providers offer lower prices during off-peak times.

When you use a set laundry routine, you can schedule during the times that will allow you to take advantage of these incentives.

We use Green Mountain Energy  and our plan has free electricity on weekends.

So my laundry day is on Saturday in order to take full advantage of the free energy.

9.  Skip The Dryer

Another money saving laundry tip:

Skip the dryer 

If you have a laundry line, you can hang your clothes outside to dry.

I have sweet memories of helping my grandma hang laundry on the clothesline.

An indoor laundry rack is another smart way to dry clothes without the expense of the dryer.

10.  Money Saving Laundry Tips:  Dryer Balls

The jury is still out, but many insist that wool dryer balls lessen drying time and soften clothes as well.

11.  Keep It Clean

Making sure your dryer is clean keeps it running efficiently.

Not only is it important to clean the removable lint trap filter after every use, but the dyer’s venting duct needs top be cleaned as well.

Your dryer will dry clothes faster and you also reduce your risk of a fire.

12.  Take Advantage Of Smart Settings

Most dryers have a moisture sensor option in addition to the set times you can choose from.

You save energy and money with the moisture sensor options since your dryer will automatically stop when the clothes are dry.

This saves wear and tear on your clothing as well.

13.  Skip The Iron

Heating up an iron can add up.

Luckily, with your efficient laundry routine, you will promptly retrieve clothes from the dryer before they even have a chance to wrinkle.

14.  Throw In A Dry Towel

Your clothes may dry faster if you throw in a dry towel.  The towel will help absorb moisture from the wet clothing.

15.  Have A Do Over

Can the clothes be worn again?

This doesn’t work very often in our house with all boys, but there are instances where clothes can be hung up and worn again before washing.

Our church clothes can almost always be worn again, and my denim can usually skip a wash.

We also each have an assigned bath towel that we hang up and reuse.

16. Money Saving Laundry Tips:  DIY Repairs

My washing machine and dryer are probably way less fancy than most.

We bought them when the twins were born, because that’s when the old one decided to break.

Taylor had made a trip to the house for more clothes and found that the appliance was broken.

I was beyond stressed and asked Taylor to just buy whatever…as long as I had a working washing machine and dryer when we got home with the twin babies.

So they may not be fancy, but they get the job done.  And when they have problems or stop working, I don’t stress out too much.

Recently the dryer broke and I planned to just get a new one.  But while waiting to go choose one, I decided to try to trouble shoot the problem.

A few Youtube videos later and the dryer was working like new!

The washing machine has broken several times, and we’ve been able to troubleshoot and Youtube-repair it back into working order.

Most definitely a budget friendly solution!

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