17 Things That Will Determine If Your Home Is Really Clean Or Not

Cleaning dust, wiping down the stove, disinfecting the bathroom, and washing the floor are all part of a routine cleaning session at home. Smaller elements, such as cleaning lamps and radiators, are sometimes overlooked. But more often than not, we overlook these things and the coziness of our place disappears over time.

Today, we’re going to show a list of 17 things to look at when you need to determine if your place is really clean or not. If you pay attention to these small things every time you clean, you’ll see a huge improvement in how your place feels.

1. Kitchen surfaces will remain as good as new if you quickly wash them with a cloth immediately after you cook anything.

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© arixo / Imgur

2. Kitchen appliances should be cleaned well so that stains don’t remain there forever.

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3. Cleaning sponges should be replaced every week and kept dry.

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© fede13 / Pixabay

4. Towels, oven gloves, and other textiles should be replaced once a week.

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© Depositphotos

5. The bottoms of frying pans and cooking pots will always be clean if you wash them right after using them.

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© Alex4Ustas / Pikabu

6. Hard water in the kettle looks bad and makes the water taste worse. Splash it with water each time before using it and wash it with soap every week.

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© aiditz / Pikabu

7. You can avoid the bad smell from the trash can if you buy a bucket with a lid and wash the bucket every week.

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© Depositphotos, © Depositphotos

8. Sofas, armchairs, and pillow cases should be washed at least 2 times a year.

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© alexbell / Pikabu

9. When cleaning dust, don’t forget about doorknobs, switches, and power outlets. They’ll always be clean this way.

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© succo / Pixabay

10. The same is true for paintings and photo frames on the walls. Pay attention to the inside corners — a lot of dust builds up there.

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© Ksenia Chernaya / Pexels

11. Balconies are often cluttered with useless stuff. Instead, you can turn it into an office or a gym.

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© ArtKuper / Pikabu

12. Don’t forget to wash the taps to remove any water stains.

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© MikesPhotos / Pixabay

13. A clean shower curtain is what makes any bathroom look great.

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© Francesca Tosolini / Unsplash

14. Move detergents to the shelves.

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© Stika / Pikabu

15. The laundry basket should have a lid so that the dirty laundry is not visible.

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© Depositphotos, © Depositphotos

16. Regularly clean the soap dish.

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© congerdesign / Pixabay

17. The rubber piece in the door of your washing machine can surprise you with unexpected things. If you clean it often, you can avoid such surprises.

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© OxanaFelt / Pikabu

How do you decide if it’s finally time to clean in your home? Tell us in the comment section below!

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