18+ Ultra- Affordable Cleaning Hacks That You’ve Never Even Heard Of

You may have been cleaning your house for years, but there are still plenty of incredible cleaning tricks you’ve probably never even heard of. Chances are you didn’t know the following ultra-affordable cleaning hacks.

1. Remove Dust on Your Blinds With a Dryer Sheet

clean blind with a dryer sheet e1620411624513

Close them, then wipe them up and down with an old dryer sheet. It’ll create an antistatic barrier that helps prevent dust from building up again.

2. Use Coffee Filters To Clean Glass

clean coffe filters

To clean glass and mirrors, use coffee filters, not paper towels. They leave no streaks or lint and they’re cheap.

3. Get Rip Smelling Your Bathroom With Vinegar and Water

water vinega

Vinegar and water is a great deodorizer for a musty bathroom. Spray your shower down as you’re getting out. It really absorbs the odors, and the smell of vinegar goes away in an hour.

4. Clean Dirty Ovens With a Pumice Stone

clen oven With a Pumice Stone

A wet pumice stone will clean a dirty oven faster than any spray-on product.

5. Lemon And Salt Scrub

Lemon And Salt Scrub

Clean your wooden cutting boards by rubbing coarse salt into them then adding in the lemon. Your cutting boards will look and smell amazing.

6. Wash Your Bathroom Mat Instead of Vacuum

Bathroom Mat

Vacuuming bathroom mats is a nightmare. Toss them in the wash every week or two instead.

7. Clean up Your Sofa With Baking Soda

To clean up your sofa, sprinkle baking soda over it. Let it sit for an hour, then vacuum it up. So easy!

8. Use Plain Water To Clean Your Wood Floors

cleaning floor

To damp-mop wood floors, use plain water or a water-based floor cleaner like Bona. Don’t use vinegar. The acid in it will pit your polyurethane finish, can void your warranty, and may reduce shine over time.

9. Eliminates Odors of Microwave With Baking Soda

To clean your microwave oven, microwave a cup of water with some baking soda in it until it’s boiling. This eliminates odors and makes it super easy to wipe away all that stuck-on stuff.

10. Cast Iron Pan Cleaning With Sea Salt

Sea Salt

Sea salt is super abrasive, which makes it an excellent cleaner. You can even use it to clean a cast iron pan. This nifty trick will take all the gross chemicals out of the cleaning process.

11. Put Chalk To Remove Stained on Your Clothing

Put Chalk To Remove Stained on Your Clothing

This sounds like a kid’s craft gone wrong, but it is actually an underrated cleaning hack. Rub chalk into greasy stains, and the powder will absorb the grease. Now you can wash that previously stained shirt like normal.

12. Lint Roll Your Lamp Shades

This hack is pretty genius. Cleaning lampshades would be a real struggle without a lint roller. But add this little tool into the picture, and life just got a whole lot easier.

13. Clean With Lemon Oil

Shine your bathroom tiles with lemon oil. It also helps prevent mold and mildew.

14. Use Coca-Cola To Clean The Toilet

Clean Your Toilets with Coca Cola

No, this isn’t a comment on how unhealthy the drink is. Coca-Cola is actually a great toilet bowl cleaner. Pour Coca-Cola into your toilet, then scrub it around and flush. You’ll be surprised at how effective it is.

15. Clean The Toilet With DIY Cleaning Bombs

DIY Cleaning Bombs

If you don’t already have Coca-Cola, you definitely shouldn’t buy it just to clean out your toilet. Make these DIY cleaning bombs instead. It’s just like a bath bomb, but it saves you the struggle of cleaning your toilet. Genius!

16. Scrub The Tub With Grapefruit

Grapefruit is naturally acidic, so it makes for a great cleaner. Sprinkle salt around your tub, then rub it in with the fruit. Leave it for a few minutes, then rinse. Simple.

17. Remove the Stains With a Bubbling Denture Tablet

clean toilet with denture tablet

To eliminate that ring in your toilet, drop in a bubbling denture tablet, and leave it for at least 30 minutes or overnight. The stain will come off with just a few swishes of the brush.

18. DIY Iron Cleaner

baking soda vinager

A little extra grime will make a steam iron look way older than it is. Remove the mess by making a cleaner out of baking soda and vinegar. Within minutes you’ll have an iron you would actually want to use on your clothing.

19. Easy Cleaning Those Tough to Reach Places

Clean cobwebs with a yardstick covered by a tube sock. This also works for cleaning under stoves and refrigerators.

These hacks are sure to make your cleaning routine much quicker and easier. If you have other awesome cleaning hacks, please share them with everyone by leaving your comment here!

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