20 Clever Shoe Tips That Will You Wish You Knew Sooner

You can add a bit of comfort yourself with a few clever shoe hacks. Your feet will definitely be thankful for reading these amazing shoe tips below.

1. Widen shoe toes in the freezer

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Photo: Better Remade

There’s a great method to loosen up the tip of your shoe, which is often the one spot where footwear is too tight. Grab an airtight bag filled with a little bit of water, and stick it in the toe area. Let your shoes rest in the freezer overnight. Because water expands when it becomes ice, the shoe toes will be a little bit wider than before.

2. Stinky shoes? Teabags to the rescue!

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Photo: Get Sum Run

Smelly shoes with a noticeable odor – nobody likes them. There’s a quick solution to eliminate nasty smells. Put unused tea bags in your shoes, as they’re absolutely great at absorbing unpleasant scents.

3. Give your heal linings a new life with patches

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Photo: Instructables

There’s no denying that shoes eventually wear out, and heel linings are often one of the things that are broken down first. If they need repair, simply patch some material over it and nobody will be able to spot the difference. Denim, for example, is an absolutely great choice!

4. Get arch support inserts

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Photo: Amazon

If you’re particularly dealing with pain around the arches of your feet, special arch supports inserts can help you relieve some of that body stress fin a matter of seconds.

5. Prevent blisters with deodorant

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Photo: Real Simple

Deodorants can really do wonders, and they’re pretty great at preventing blisters after a long night on the dance floor. Simply get a bit of clear gel deodorant, and rub the inner heel of your shoes.

6. Easily widen your boot shafts

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Boots that have a firm grip on your leg are never comfortable, so it may be worth taking some time to widen those boot shafts. All you need is a couple of newspapers. Simply stuff the shafts with the papers, and pull them out when you want to use your boots. Simple as that!

7. How to get rid of squealing shoes

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Photo: WikiHow

Squeaky shoes that you can hear from miles away, it’s not exactly the best thing there is. Luckily, there’s an easy fix for noisy and squeaky shoes. Grab a bit of baby powder and put some underneath your inner shoe sole. It’ll allow for better cohesion between both parts of the shoe, and less squealing as a result.

8. Heel caps are true lifesavers

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Photo: GoGo Hacks

For someone who loves their shoes, the thought alone of a heel breaking is absolutely terrifying. It’s worth investing in a couple of heel caps that will quickly allow you to fix shoes with broken heels.

9. Have more control over your shoes with heel grips

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Photo: Yes Style

If you’re planning a long night wearing heels, you can already imagine the pain and discomfort you’re going to feel at the end. Ease some of that pain and increase your movement by inserting a handy heel grip.

10. Fix creases with a steam iron

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Make no mistake about it – preventing shoe creases is a dozen times better than fixing them, but if you want to give your creased basketball shoes a newer look, this tip might come in handy. Grab a wet cloth and put it on top of the creases of your sneaker, and gently rub over it with a steam iron. It won’t eliminate them completely, but it’ll make a huge difference nonetheless.

11. DIY Waterproof Shoes

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Photo: Brit+Co

Did you know you can use something as simple as beeswax to make your shoes waterproof? It’s an instant method to make your kicks much more comfortable to use around water, and the beeswax won’t even leave stains or change the color of your shoes.

12. Make new shoes comfortable by using a dryer

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Photo: The Krazy Coupon Lady

Getting new shoes is often double-sided. After all, you’re happy with your new footwear, but breaking in new shoes can’t exactly be described as fun. The best thing to do when starting to use new shoes is to put on thick socks and blowing any tight or uncomfortable spot dry. The heat will loosen up the material and will make your feet get used to their new surroundings much faster.

13. Use panty liners to absorb sweat

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Photo: The Krazy Coupon Lady

It may sound like a weird thought, but panty liners are great at absorbing sweat. Less sweat in your shoes equals less smelly odors, and it’ll naturally keep your shoes fresher longer. Simply put them in the soles, and you’re all done.

14. Fix scuffs with some vaseline

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Photo: Elle

There are dozens of uses for vaseline or petroleum jelly, and restoring shoes is just one of them. Apply some petroleum jelly on a cotton swab, and rub gently until the scuff is gone. Works best on a patent leather shoe.

15. Keep your boots moisture-free

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Photo: Plus

After a rainy day in your boots, the chances are rather high that there will be some moisture left. Grab a couple of old newspaper pages (or paper towels) to keep your boots nice and dry.

16. Tape your toes when wearing heels

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Photo: Spark People

This may seem a bit odd and unnecessary, but there’s scientific reasoning behind it. Heels aren’t exactly comfortable by definition, and there’s a lot of strain placed on the nerve directly between your second and third toe. The best and easiest way to help relieve some of the tension, it to tape the toes together. Not too tight, otherwise you’ll cut off blood circulation.

17. Grab a pair of no-tie shoelaces

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Photo: Amazon

Tired of tripping over your laces or needing to redo them often? No-tie shoelaces, which have been hugely popular lately, are the perfect solutions. You can stretch them pretty far and just trim them afterward. No need to ever tie your shoelaces again.

18. Keep your balance on heels outdoors

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Photo: Amazon

Heels on the dancefloor or at a fancy event? No problem at all. But when you walk outside – with tons of small rocks, grass, and gravel, a heel suddenly doesn’t sound like a good idea anymore. Heel protectors help you spread your weight on less sturdy outdoor grounds.

19. Add traction with a hot glue gun

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Photo: Instagram

Shoes don’t only have to look good, they have to provide you with enough comfort, grip, and traction as well. If your pair is lacking in that last department, you can try to use a hot glue gun and create your own grips. It may not be perfect, but it’s certainly better than nothing!

20. Prevent tall boots from falling

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Photo: Did Ya See

Keep your knee-high or tall boots in their proper form with a little help from pool noodles. Cut the pool noodles into an appropriate length and stuff them inside your boots when you’re not wearing them. This will hold their shape and keep them from creasing.

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