20 Useful (and Delicious) Use For Pickle Juice That Worth Knowing

Pickle juice is far more useful than you think. There are several uses for it that you likely haven’t considered before. You’ll find creative and delicious ways to use pickle juice here.

1. Heartburn relief


Pickle juice is sometimes great for heartburn and sometimes not. It’s very dependant on the person. It contains vinegar which some say is great for heartburn but others say can increase it. It just depends on your stomach’s acid content. It’s a little like apple cider vinegar in this regard.

2. Hiccups remedy


Got the hiccups? Pickle juice can help, although it will then make your breath and burps smell like pickles.

3. Cure for a hangover


Pickle juice is great for a hangover in the same way Gatorade is. It can help to hydrate you by restoring electrolytes.

4. Relieve Muscle Cramps


Some runners seem to swear by pickle juice as a cure for leg cramps. Again, this comes down to hydration and pickle juice is very beneficial for this.

5. An all-natural sports drink


Pickle juice, while perhaps not as tasty as Gatoradeis filled with electrolytes just like sports drinks are. They don’t have nearly the same amount of sugar either.

6. Put on potato salad


If you are feeling as though your potato salad is lacking a little pizzaz, pickle juice might be the missing ingredient. Dash some pickle juice on that potato salad and go on a taste adventure!

7. Mix with olive oil for all new condiment


Try mixing olive oil with pickle juice and keeping it in a jar. If you find yourself with a bland tasting sandwich, give it a boost with pickle juice!

8. Cocktail booster


Some people have tried pickle juice in cocktails with good success. After 7-8 of them you hardly even taste the pickles anymore.

9. Pickle eggs


Pickle juice can be used to pickle and add flavor to hard-boiled eggs. It’s also a great way to make a gross meal just that little bit more disgusting.

10. Marinate soft cheeses


To spice up your cheese game, you can try marinating soft cheeses in pickle juice. This will add some additional flavor.

11. To steam or boil vegetables


Steam or boil some of your favorite veggies with pickle juice. It’s a great way to add some taste to items you feel are a little too bland.

12. Flower fuel!


Many flowers need acidic substances to survive and pickle juice can really aide in this. Sprinkle some pickle juice in your garden to help flowers like hydrangea and rhododendron grow as efficiently as possible. Feed your flowers pickle juice for a lush home garden!

13. Add to meat or tofu


Pickle juice can be added to meat or meat substitutes for flavor. This is particularly the case for meat alternatives such as tofu or seitan, which can often need a little flavor booster. Try adding some pickle juice when cooking meat or plant-based meat alternatives for added zest.

14. As a salad dressing


Pickle juice makes a fantastic and healthy salad dressing! Poor that stuff over your leafy greens and have yourself a healthy lunch.

15. Pickle more stuff!


The best way to reuse your leftover pickle juice is to pickle more food with it! Cucumbers, sauerkraut, onions, garlic, and more can all be pickled with your leftover pickle juice.

16. Seafood? Skip the Lemon


If you usually squeeze lemon on your seafood, try a little pickle brine instead. If you’re looking for that perfect drizzle that you get from squeezing a lemon, pour some pickle brine in a ramekin, then dip your clean fingers in it and flick the pickle brine over your seafood.

17. Homemade Chutney


If you’ve made chutney, you know one of the important ingredients is vinegar. Try adding pickle brine to your homemade chutney to give it depth and expand the flavor profile. You can add a splash in addition to the vinegar or get crazy and swap it out for the vinegar entirely. Strain any spices from it first.

18. Deglaze a Pan

Wine is often used to deglaze a pan and make a quick sauce to accompany a dish. Depending on the flavors of our dish, you can try using pickle brine to deglaze your pan. You’ll end up with a brighter, tangier sauce in the end. Drizzle it over veggies, chicken or pork.

19. Ice It

Pour that leftover pickle brine into ice cube trays, and then save them in resealable bags in your freezer. You’ll get your jars back, ready to reuse, and you’ll have a freezer full of cold flavor-infused cubes ready to go for any of the items on this list.

20. Clean with Pickle Juice


And finally, if you don’t want to eat it or drink it, you can always use leftover pickle brine to clean greasy stovetops and copper-bottomed cookware. (Here’s another easy way to clean copper.)

Just strain it first, and you’ve got a vinegar solution that’s ready to make your kitchen sparkle and shine.

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