25 Peculiar Plants To Brighten Your Outdoor Space

If you’re looking to grow something in your garden, consider these 25 peculiar plants and fascinating flowers.

1. African Starfish Flowers

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These soft-stemmed members of the succulent family produce amazing red five-petaled flowers that are sure to attract attention. Be warned though, their odor is quite unpleasant, although it serves to draw in a variety of insects!

As this plant species is native to South Africa, growing Starfish Flowers requires warm, humid temperatures or a specialized greenhouse.

2. Birds of Paradise

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Resembling the head and neck of a brightly colored bird in flight, the Birds of Paradise flower is a spectacular plant that instantly inspires a tropical feeling in any garden or home.

They don’t do well in temperatures below 50 degrees, need plenty of sunlight, and enjoy moist soil during Spring and Summer. To ensure they bloom regularly, keep your Birds of Paradise lightly supported in pots and vases.

3. Black Bat Flower

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This eerie flower belongs to the yam family although it’s not likely to resemble any yam you have seen before! The dark purple to black flowers are bat-shaped and have long whiskers that can grow up to 28 inches in length.

The plant can bloom eight times per season and produce up to 12 flower stems during that period. Because Black Bat Flowers are native to Southeast Asia, they grow best in shady areas and well-drained soil and prefer high humidity and lots of water.

4. Bleeding Hearts

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A species of flowering plant in the poppy family, the Bleeding Heart – or Asian Bleeding Heart as it is known – is native to Siberia, northern China, Korea, and Japan.

It will bring a delicate and feminine feel to any garden, thanks to its heart-shaped pink and white flowers which bloom in Spring. Bleeding Heart grows best in cool, moist conditions with light to medium shade and well-drained soil.

5. Blue Honeywort

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Also known as the Blue Shrimp Plant, the Honeywort has fascinating inch-long tubular flowers framed by large, hearted petals and green-gray foliage. Hummingbirds and bees just love it!

This self-seeding plant – which is native to the Mediterranean region – will deposit its square black seeds around the garden meaning you can enjoy its unconventional beauty for years to come. Plant it in full sun and dry soil for best results.

6. Blue Passionflower

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An incredible-looking flower, the hardy Blue Passionflower boasts multi-colored petals with a minty scent. The plant produces tasty orange fruits with a deep red, edible flesh – although its cousin the purple passion fruit is still more popular.

Blue Passionflower thrives in warm climates although it is hardy to 10 degrees F. In areas without much frost, this extremely fast-growing vine will grow and bloom throughout the year.

7. Broccoli Romanesco

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This psychedelic plant, also known as Roman Cauliflower, is sure to liven up your vegetable garden with its vibrant chartreuse color and strange, alien-like shape. As it tastes similar to cauliflower, but with a slightly nuttier, earthier flavor, it can be used in place of broccoli or cauliflower in many recipes.

Broccoli Romanesco is a cool-season plant that needs well-drained soil in full sun, along with regular watering and weeding.

8. Fernleaf Fiddleneck

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The rare purple Fernleaf Fiddleneck is used in European and Californian vineyards as a cover crop. But it also makes for a fascinating and beautifully decorative plant that attracts honey bees and a wide range of other beneficial pollinators.

The Fernleaf Fiddleneck grows up to five feet tall and boasts pretty, lacy lavender foliage with white clusters of bell-shaped blooms that curve gracefully.

9. Globe Thistles

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The Globe Thistle is a tall, purple-blue plant with spherical flower heads and spiny, prickly leaves. Not only do these blooms attract butterflies and bees, but they also command the attention of anyone who passes them.

They grow well in hot, dry climates, full sunlight, and well-drained soil.

10. Goat’s Beard

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You’ll feel like you’re in a giant’s garden when you see a Goat’s Beard flower – a super-sized version of the humble dandelion! Much like the common garden dandelion, the petals of this flower are yellow, and then gradually transform into a seed clock.

Unlike the dandelion, these flowers grow to 30 inches tall and, when the seed-clock is fully open, it measures three inches in diameter!

If yellow isn’t your color, then opt for the mauve-colored Salsify which is from the same genus.

11. Hoya Plants

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The eye-catching yet low-maintenance Hoya plant produces clusters of stunning, delicate flowers which have stars in their crowns and a waxy or porcelain feel. In fact, these plants are so geometrically perfect that they can often look artificial!

Native to tropic and subtropical regions, the Hoya plants do well indoors, in protected areas, or in a greenhouse. They like warmth, sunlight, and moist, well-drained soil.

12. Japanese Shield Fern

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While ferns aren’t the most exciting plants around, the Japanese Shield Fern is a little different from the norm. The undersides of the fronds are frequently covered in blood-red spores – reminiscent of droplets of red blood on shields! These spores are an important part of the reproductive cycle of the plant.

These semi-evergreen plants grow in the light woodland shade on low mountains or hills. Their fronds have a coppery tint when young, but mature to dark green.

13. Korchia Balls

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These amazing bush plants come in both bright green and hot pink – making them look like they are on fire!

The hairy flowers of this hardy annual bloom in summer, and the plants can grow to 36 inches in height. Place Korchia Balls in full sunlight, and average soil.

14. Mouse Melons

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Mouse Melons are central American delicacies the size of grapes. They look like mini watermelons yet taste of cucumbers and lime!

Also known as Mexican Sour Gherkins, Cucamelons, Mexican Miniature Watermelons, and Mexican Sour Cucumbers, these plants don’t attract any pests, are resistant to drought, and are easily grown outdoors.

Add them to salads and salsas or pickle them for a healthy treat.

15. Naked Man Orchid

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The Italian Orchid is commonly known as the Naked Man Orchid because its petals look like anatomically correct men! It’s also one of the reasons why these unusual Spring blooms are so popular!

The bright pink flowers of these orchids are commonly found in the Mediterranean in large clusters. You can grow them in your garden in partial shade and in low nutrient soil, where they may grow up to 20 inches in height.

16. Ornamental Allium Flower

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It’s hard to believe that these easy-to-grow blooms, which come in a broad range of colors, are related to humble onions and garlic.

Ornamental Alliums are hardy and undemanding – although they should be grown in a sunlit area. They are not fussy about soil type, as long as it is well-drained.

Some of the weirdest Ornamental Alliums are the ‘Everlasting’ variety and the ‘Schubert’ alliums which resemble exploding fireworks!

17. Parrot Tulips

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Just like the Birds of Paradise flowers, the dramatic Parrot Tulips exude a tropical feel. Their large petals are feathered, curled and brightly colored giving rise to their name.

Developed by crossing certain varieties of tulip, some Parrot Tulips flower in late Spring while others bloom in mid-Spring. You can choose from flamboyant colors such as white, pink, apricot, yellow, orange, red, and purple.

18. Prickly Caterpillar Beans

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Also known as the Caterpillar Plant or Prickly Scorpion’s Tail, the Prickly Caterpillar Beans are an annual plant native to southern Europe. They have tiny pea-like flowers with coiled, hairy pods.

While they are a type of legume, these Prickly Caterpillar Beans are rarely eaten. Instead, they are favored as a groundcover in the garden.

19. Purple Triple Datura

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These desert plants have furry leaves, deep purple stems, and ruffled white and lilac blooms. Just like the evening Primrose plant, their fragrant blossoms open only at night.

The Purple Triple Datura is an annual plant that will thrive in poor soil and little water, although they prefer warmer climates.

20. Sensitive Plant

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Shy, sleepy and sensitive are just some of the words used to describe this unusual plant. While it’s by no means the strangest looking specimen on this list, it has a unique ‘personality’ and is often grown for its curiosity value! When touched, the leaves of the Sensitive Plant fold inward and droop. When they have been left alone for a few minutes, they happily re-open again.

A native of South America, these plants thrive in warm and bright areas.

21. Venus Fly Trap

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Immortalized in the 1986 movie Little Shop of Horrors, the Venus Fly Trap is a carnivorous plant native to the subtropical wetlands of the East Coast of the USA.

Its leaves have short, stiff hairs called trigger hairs. When stimulated – like by an unsuspecting bug – the two lobes of the leaf snap shut, trapping the insect inside.

22. Voodoo Lily

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Amorphophallus titanum a flowering plant with the largest unbranched inflorescence in the world

Voodoo lilies, also called Devil’s Tongue, are grown for their huge flowers and unusual foliage – they can grow up to 6 feet tall. While it’s a striking garden feature, the blossoms produce an odor similar to that of rotting meat, although they only last a day or two. Nevertheless, if you choose to cultivate this ominous flower, make sure to plant it well away from your home!

Established lilies need little attention, only requiring watering during prolonged dry spells.

23. Watermelon Radish

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Although these radishes don’t look like anything special on the exterior, once you cut them open their magic is exposed! You’ll be met with a stunning fuchsia or vibrant orange interior which will liven up any dinner plate.

Roast these radishes, toss them into a crisp summer salad or lacto-ferment them for good gut health.

24. White strawberries

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When we think of strawberries, we tend to think of the juicy, mouth-watering red variety. But it turns out there are several types of white strawberries too!

Two of these – the Alpine and the Beach – are true white strawberries that can grow in the wild, in the garden or in containers. Not only are these anemic berries an interesting conversation starter when you have guests over, but better still, it’s likely that people who are allergic to red strawberries can tolerate the white version, as they are missing the pigment that causes the allergy (although medical supervision is recommended).

25. Wild Maypop

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The Maypop, Purple Passionflower, True Passionflower, or Wild Apricot as it is also known, is a fast-growing vine with climbing or trailing stems. Its exotic-looking flowers have a layer of purple petals underneath a fringe of wavy, hair-like segments.

It flowers from summer to autumn and does well in full sun or dappled shade.

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