3 Signs that the battery on iPhone is about to fail

The problem of mobile phone fires and explosions is becoming increasingly frightening, and it is not limited to high-end phones like the iPhone. iPhone fires and explosions are becoming increasingly common, with tragic effects. As a result, to see the changes on your phone clearly, you must pay great attention when using it. Because that might be an indicator of an oncoming fire.

To avoid a fire or explosion on your iPhone, you need be aware of three critical w*rning signs:

The back is curved.

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When the Lithium-Ion battery swells excessively, the rear of the phone bulges and warps. Please check your phone on a frequent basis, since this is an obvious symptom.

There is an unusual noise near the battery.

Typically, when a Lithium-Ion battery has a problem, it makes unusual noises. If your iPhone is charging, immediately detach it from the power source.

iPhone heats up excessively.

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This occurrence frequently causes the lithium-ion battery to melt, resulting in a fire or explosion. At this point, you should stop using it and set it on a heat-resistant surface for monitoring.

These are the indicators that your iPhone is going to ex:plode. During usage, you must watch your equipment to immediately detect changes. This will help keep you and people around you safe.

There are several causes of an iPhone bursting, and you should pay close attention:

Hardware error.

This mistake results from flaws in the equipment processing process. This is thought to be the root cause of the current smartphone explosions.

Use low-quality accessories.

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Obviously, authentic iPhone accessories are expensive. However, it helps to alleviate concerns about iPhone explosions.


Overheating is another common cause of Lithium-Ion battery difficulties. Apple recommended that the maximum temperature for operating the iPhone be 45 degrees Celsius. If the gadget becomes too hot for an extended period of time, proceed with extreme caution. Because there might be an issue with the gadget that causes the Lithium-Ion battery to catch fire.

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