30 Most Unique Succulents That You’ve Probably Never Seen Before

We have discovered some of the most strange, unique, and even alien succulents. They might just inspire you to create a space that’s more than just another ordinary room. Check out these very unique succulents right away!

1. Trachyandra

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Are you tired of ordinary house plants on an ordinary planet? Well, you can’t leave the planet just yet, but you’ll feel like you have with this in the kitchen window.

2 Kalanchoe

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Do you need something to really fill up space with color like no other plant on earth can? This might be it.

3 Albuca Recurvata

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Why have ordinary grass when you can have this corkscrew grass? It brings a level of mystery and magic to the garden.

4. Haworthia

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These clear succulents add something special to any windowsill or yard. If you get one, leave it where the sun can shine through the leaves for the best effect.

5. Crassula muscosa lycopodioides variegata

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While the name is a mouthful, this variety has a unique and frosty appearance. It’s definitely not your average succulent.

6. Hawthoria

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This plant leaves the imagination wide open and ready to explore. In fact, it looks ready for off-world adventures.

7. Greenovia Dodrentalis

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Do you want roses but are allergic or just want the flowers to last more than a season? Here’s a perfect solution!

8. Lithops

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They look like candy. They also look like brains. These might have to be a zombie’s favorite treat.

9. Cotyledon

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These mini bear claws reaching up to create an interesting impression. They definitely aren’t your average boring houseplant.

10. Crassula congesta

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These fuzzy little half circles have an extraterrestrial charm of their own. You can almost see them filling an alien landscape.

11. Conophytum

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These heart-shaped succulents will bring a little love into your life. They’re like individual little happy reminders of the good things in life.

12. Buddha’s Temple

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These perfectly stacked succulent leaves show a level of artistry in nature that we can only hope to replicate. Sometimes, nature really is the true artist.

13. Mammillaria

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Can you imagine losing a golf ball and trying to find it in a field of these? You might have to say goodbye to it forever.

14. Astrophytum Myriostigma

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It’s like a star landed on earth. Or maybe it’s somehow a distant plant-cousin of starfish. Stargazers might love having this in their window to remind them of the night sky even in the daylight.

15. Claws from the ground

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The Haworthia coarctata f. greenii looks like dragon claws reaching their way out of the ground. Keep an eye out for movement below!

16. Pseudolithos

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Is it a brain? Is it a creature? Or it it a creature’s brain? It almost looks like a piece of somewhat creepy art.

17. Monilaria obconica

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The Monilaria obconica, better known as the bunny succulent, is hugely popular in Japan. We can see why. They’re just so freaking cute!

18. Stapelia

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Do you have a pink fake fur blanket and have searched the world for a plant to match it? Search no further.

19. Baby toes

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These are unofficially known as baby toes. They do look a little like the name.

20. Crassula ‘Moonglow’

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Nature has a way of showing perfection. These succulent leaves stacked perfectly on top of each other like some sort of divine geometry prove that.

21. Boophone Haemanthoides

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This wavy plant is like no other. It almost looks like it could send out a harmonic signal to the world.

22. Tilandsias

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These are tilandsias, also known as air plants. They grow upside down. Obviously, the owner of these two had a little fun with it when it came to choosing what flower pots to grow them in.

23. Pangeae

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These kissing succulents leave an impression. It’s a little eerie how much they really look like mouths.

24. Echeveria

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These succulent plants are reminiscent of snowflakes. Put in the right lighting, they could add a surreal winter effect to any landscape.

25. Orbea Variegata

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Commonly known as the starfish plant, this succulent can bring a little extra energy and color to a space. Just be warned, they smell like rotting flesh.

26. Myrtillocactus Geometrizans

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Pronouncing this one might take a small amount of effort, but it would be worth it to get one into your home. This crested version almost looks like a statue.

27. Gentiana Urnula

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Have you ever wanted a living geometric design growing in your yard? This one might be what you were looking for.

28. Variegated Stringofpearls

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These are another unique succulent. They’re like jewelry for your home or garden.

29. Monanthes Polyphylla

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Can plants be adorable? Yes, they can be. This one is living proof.

30. Crassula Umbrella

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These umbrellas are pointed in the wrong direction, but we think we can forgive them. They add a sense of beauty to any space.

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