30+ Unusual But Extremely Useful Uses For Dawn Dish Soap

There are many dawn dish soap uses that not everybody knows. Below are some unusual dawn dish soap uses that are enough to compel you to add this versatile product to your day-to-day house care activities.

1. Control Houseplants Pests

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Houseplants are also susceptible to pests, causing damage to their leaves, flowers, and roots. Instead of using harmful chemical-filled pesticides, use dawn dish soap. It’s an effective insecticidal product that helps you to control these problematic pests.

2. Cleaning Cloth Diapers

Your little one’s diapers become greasy and sloppy due to the body’s oil secretion. To remove the stains from the cloth diapers, try the best degreasing agent- dawn dish soap.

3. Deep Clean Charcoal or Gass Grill

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Before planning any backyard grilling parties, it’s vital to clean your grill first. Dawn dish soap is the perfect product to get rid of any kind of remnants present on the grill grates. Check out this detailed tutorial to know how to do it.

4. Opens Clogged Drains

To open up the clogged drains, pour 1/2 cup of dawn dish soap into it. Keep it for 25-30 minutes. Then, flush it with a bucket of hot water. If the drain is jammed due to hairs, then first take them out with a plumber snake, then use dawn later.

5. Homemade Bubbles

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Kids love to play with bubbles. Instead of purchasing a pack of bubbles, try readily available dawn dish soap to do this fun-filled activity with your children. To make a bubble solution, dissolve sugar in warm water and add the dawn dish soap. Mix the solution and leave it for 2-4 hours before using it.

6. Prevent Paint From Sticking

If you’re a painter by profession, then you know, removing paint from the skin is not an easy task. But don’t worry, before you begin, rub a sufficient amount of dawn dish soap all over your arms and hands. Let it dry & after completing your job, you can easily remove the inevitable paint drips from your skin.

7. To Remove Hair Dye

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As per an authentic source, dawn dish soap is an effective way to lighten your dyed and chemically treated hair. However, it doesn’t completely remove the hair dye but reduce its appearance up to some extent. Check out this article for the tutorial.

8. Eliminates Greasy Hair

It sounds absurd, but dawn dish soap is one of the best home remedies to break down the tough grease from the strands. Generally, washing hair with regular shampoo is enough, but when it fails to do its job, dawn comes in handy. Simply, apply it on your strands & lather it for at least a couple of minutes before washing it with water, followed by a conditioner and dry as usual.

9. Clean Comb & Hairbrushes

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Over time, your hairbrushes get a build-up of makeup residuals, lint, and hair. That’s why it’s vital to clean combs and hairbrushes often. Mix 1 tbsp of each dawn dish soap and borax with 1 cup of hot water into a bowl. Then, soak the hairbrush and combs into this mixture. Leave them until they become clean and scrub them with a spare toothpaste before drying them.

10. Poison Ivy Plant Remover

Poison ivy not only ruins your ward but can also cause allergic rashes as well. To remove this obnoxious plant from your yard or garden, make a poison ivy killer spray by mixing 1-gallon white vinegar, 1 cup salt, and 2 tablespoons of dawn dish soap. Empty the mix into a spray bottle & spray it on the poison ivy.

11. Eyeglass Cleaner & Defogger

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Nowadays, when face masks become compulsory, people who wear eyeglasses having the issue of fogging on their lenses. To solve this, pour 1-2 drops of dawn dish soap on both the lenses of your eyeglass and wipe it off with a microfiber cloth.

12. Carpet Stain Remover

Do you accidentally spill wine, juice, or any other drink on your beautiful carpet? Don’t worry, dawn dish soap is the remedy that you’re looking for. Mix equal parts of dawn dish soap and warm water and spray it on the area. Use a microfiber cloth or sponge to scrub off the stain and wash the area with lukewarm water. Let it air dry naturally. Don’t scrub the carpet too hard as it can affect the material.

13. Sparkling Windows

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Mix 3 cups of water with 1 tsp of Dawn dish soap into an empty spray bottle and shake them well. Now, spritz the solution on the windows and wipe it out. Dawn dish soap is an easy and quick alternative to glass or mirror cleaner.

14. Sidewalk De-Icer

Living in an area where the freezing weather is common, ice on the driveways and footpaths is a real menace. Instead of pouring salt, use dawn dish soap to prevent your walkways from freezing again. Combine 2 tbsp of rubbing alcohol, 2 tsp of dawn with 1-gallon of hot water. Sprinkle it all over the affected area.

15. Unclog Toilets

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Clearing out clogged toilets is a cumbersome task. Over time, flushing too much toilet papers can ruin your septic system. Try dawn dish soap to unclog the toilets in no time. Simply, pour 1/2 cup of dawn into the toilet bowl and leave it for 15-20 minutes. After that, empty a bucket of water into the bowl and it will unclog the toilet.

16. Removes Grease Stains

Dawn dish soap is an effective household remedy to eliminate grease stains from polycotton and cotton cloths. Either its food stain or spilled drink on your clothes, dawn always shows its magic. Pour a few drops of dawn on the cloths stain and scrub it with a brush gently. Then, transfer it into the washing machine and wash as usual with detergent. Keep in mind that this trick works on only fresh stains and not already dried stains.

17. Clean Paintbrushes

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It doesn’t matter, whether you’re painting a wall or creating a masterpiece, cleaning the paintbrushes is a cumbersome task, especially when the paint dries. For this, pour a squirt of dawn dish soap on your paintbrushes and let it sit for 3-5 minutes before washing them with tap water.

18. Homemade Kiddie Pool Cleaner

If you have a wading or kiddie pool, then you probably know that it’s prone to mold and mildew. But don’t worry, dawn dish soap is a savior. Simply empty the kiddie pool and pour a sufficient amount of dawn dish soap into it. Then, take a soft-bristled brush & scrub the pool gently. This will let you get rid of the mold and mildew.

19. Excellent Insect Repellent

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If you are constantly annoyed by the creepy little creatures, aka insects, then dawn dish soap is the best and cost-effective solution for you. Most importantly, it doesn’t cause any harm to your kids. Combine a half cup of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp of dawn dish soap into an empty spray bottle. Then, spray it directly on the insects or around their favorite hiding & wandering places to repel them for good.

20. Tools Cleaner

After completing any repairing work, it’s important to clean your dirty tools to prevent them from rusting. For this, make a solution of 1 tsp of dawn dish soap and 2 cups of water into a container. Then, drop your tools in it for 10-15 minutes. After that, scrub them with a brush to remove oil and grime.

21. Find Tire Leaks

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If you wish to find out the punctured part of a bike or car tires, then you should use dawn dish soap. Mix a cup of water with 1 tsp of Dawn dish soap into a spray bottle. Spritz it on the tire evenly and look for bubbles to find the hidden leak.

22. Bathtub & Shower Cleaner

Dawn dish soap is an excellent on-the-go solution to get a clean bathtub. It removes gunk, slime, bathtub ring, and other stuff that builds up in and around your tub. Even, this remedy works for showers as well. To learn more about this cleaning trick, read this article.

23. Grout Stains Remover

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Grout is a mixture that is used to fill the gaps between the tiles. Unlike other spill stains, which are easy to clean, grout stains are tricky to get rid of. However, with the help of dawn dish soap, you can clean dirty grouts easily.

24. Multi-Purpose Kitchen Cleaner

Dawn has numerous uses, but this list is incomplete without mentioning its kitchen cleaning abilities. Dawn dish soap is an amazing kitchen surface cleaner. Combine a few drops of dawn into a bowl of slightly warm water. Now, dip the sponge into the mix, then use it to clean the stovetop and other kitchen surfaces.

25. Silents Squeaky Hinges

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To stop your hinges from squeaking, pour a few drops of dawn dish soap on the squeaky doors, windows, and cabinet hinges. It’ll make them noise-free within a couple of minutes.

26. Kill Weeds

Weeds can ruin the appearance of your walkway and garden. To get rid of these unwelcome visitors, dawn dish soap is an effective solution. Simply, follow this step by step tutorial to do the trick.

27. Clean Tile Floors

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After some time, your ceramic tile floors become sloppy and grungy. But no worries, try dawn dish soap on a regular basis to make them clean and shiny. Check out this article to learn more.

28. Homemade Ice Pack

There is no need to waste your hard-earned money to buy ice packs. Instead, make your own at home with dawn dish soap. Simply, take a zipper bag and pour enough amount of dawn into it. Then, put it into the freezer for an hour or so and the ice pack should be ready. Always remember to put it back into the freezer after every use.

29. Manicure Secret

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Dawn dish soap is an excellent cuticle softener. Combine 1-2 drops of dawn with 4 tablespoons of water into a bowl. Then, soak your finger in this solution for a minute or so and let them air dry. After they dry, make sure to apply cuticle oil.

30. Driveway Washing Solution

Cleaning stained driveways is a cumbersome task that not everyone loves to do. With the help of dawn dish soap, you can do this task without any hassle. Pour a sufficient amount of dawn on the required area, leaving it for an hour. Then, scrub with a hard-bristled brush and rinse with water.

31. Kitchen Cabinet Degreaser

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After some time, your kitchen cabinets are thickened with grease and stains due to cooking residuals. To make them shinier again, give dawn dish soap a shot. As it’s a degreasing agent, it makes the tough job easier for you.

32. Clean Stainless Steel Appliances

Stainless steel appliances often get dirty due to kitchen spills or fingerprint smudges. Make them stainless again by using the all-natural dawn dish soap. All you need a damp sponge, a few drops of dawn dish soap, and elbow grease.

33. Make Sensory Foam Bubbles

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Kids love to play with sensory foam bubbles. You can make bubbly rainbow soap foam with the help of dawn dish soap within 10 minutes. This is not only a fun-filled activity but also creates a strong bond between you and your kid.

34. For Car Wash

Make your dream machine clean and shiny by taking a bucket full of lukewarm water and pour 2-3 tbsp of dawn into it. After stirring them well, scrub your car and wheels with this solution using a sponge. Once you’re done, wash it off with water.

35. Controls Garden Pests

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Only a gardener knows how disheartening it is when pests destroy your beautiful plants. Dawn dish soap is an excellent product that can make your garden pest-free again. Add 2.5 tablespoons of each dawn and vegetable oil with 1 gallon of warm, soft water into a bucket. After mixing the solution, transfer it into a garden sprayer. Then, spritz it all over your plant but don’t oversaturate. Repeat this remedy at 7 to 14-day intervals.

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