5 Home Cleaning Tasks You Can Skip (And 5 You Shouldn’t)

When you don't have a lot of time, here's how to prioritize housework in order to keep things "clean enough!"

You do like to keep things clean, but you don’t always have enough time to stay on top of it all. During really busy weeks, luckily, you can find 5 minutes here or there to tidy things up!

Whether it’s housework or any other job, sometimes you realize you have a lot to do, but not a lot of time to do it. In these cases, it can be helpful to prioritize your cleaning tasks by deciding what needs to happen now and what can wait till later, and I hope to simplify that process for you in today’s post!

Keep reading to know which cleaning tasks you can skip over and which ones you need to make time for them.vv

Do It / Don’t Skip It:

1. Making Your Bed

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I’ll happily put off certain chores, but one that I refuse to skip is making my bed. I make my bed every single morning without fail because it makes my bedroom look more put together, which in turn makes me feel more put together!

2. Wiping Down Countertops

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Taking a minute or two to wipe down your countertops every day can make a big difference in how clean your home feels. At the end of the day, grab a damp cloth to quickly wipe down your countertops, dining table, and coffee table, and you’ll never be sorry you did!

3. Dishes

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In my opinion, it’s never worth it to skip the dishes! Raising four kids taught me the hard way that the dishes just don’t ever stop piling up. It’s tempting to put them off in the moment, but that mountain of dishes will only get taller!

4. Vacuuming

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This is one of those cleaning tasks I haven’t been great about in the past, but I’ve been making an effort to be better about vacuuming more frequently. Because in reality, it doesn’t that much time or effort, especially if you have a decent lightweight vacuum.

Vacuuming regularly goes a long way toward making your home feel cleaner! It also helps prevent dirt from getting ground into the fibers of your carpet.

5. Putting Dirty Clothes In Your Hamper

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Skipping laundry for a few days is understandable when you’re busy, but there’s always enough time to get your dirty clothes into your hamper or laundry basket! It keeps your floors tidier and saves time when you do get around to starting on your laundry.

Skip It:

1. Mopping

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Mopping the floors can almost always wait when you’re short on time. If there’s a really sticky or grimy spot somewhere, you can always give it a quick spot cleaning with a microfiber cloth or a Magic Eraser.

2. Scrubbing The Tub Or Shower

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It’s easy to fret over the state of the tub or shower in the guest bathroom when you have company coming, but why not just close the shower curtain instead if you’re pressed for time? Chances are your guests either won’t know or won’t care that your tub or shower isn’t super clean.

(If you have glass shower enclosures as I do, you might feel a bit more self-conscious about your less-than-clean shower coming under the scrutiny of your guests. Rest assured that even if they can see that it isn’t perfectly clean, most guests still won’t notice or care!)

3. Laundry

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Unless you’re down to your last pair of clean underwear or socks, laundry can usually wait for a day or two. Skip it if you’re in a hurry because it’s more energy-efficient to wash larger loads anyway!

4. Dusting

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A little dust never hurt anyone, so don’t bother pulling out your duster if you’re short on time. When you do get around to dusting, use a dusting spray to help keep your furniture dust-free afterward. (Using a good spray can help turn dusting into a once-a-month job!)

5. Washing The Windows

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If you’re washing your windows a few times a year, you shouldn’t have to worry about doing it more often than that. I’ve put this particular job off for months at a time, and ultimately it just isn’t that big of a deal. (I do like to make a point of cleaning them in the spring to let more light in though!)

One Good Thing By Jillee
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