6 How To Make Homemade Cleaners Without Spending A Lot Of Money

Down below are some awesome ways that you exactly how you can make your own cleaners without spending a lot of money.

1. Non-Toxic Ways to Clean Your Kitchen

Here’s what you need to create your own safe, non-toxic kitchen cleaners.

homemade cleaners

2. Mold and Mildew Remover

This one’s just 3 ingredients; water, baking soda, and tea tree oil. Now you may not have this oil, but you can get it at your store or online. Tea tree oil is great for so many things; it can help heal rashes, keep away mosquitoes/ticks, and now it can help clean your house. Definitely, something to keep stocked in your bathroom.

cleaners3. All-Purpose Cleaner

Making your own all-purpose cleaner will probably cost you about a buck or two. You only need a little bit of baking soda, dish soap, and white vinegar (along with water which is already free) to make it.. and this makes it super cheap and super simple.

cleaner house

4. Coconut Oil Household Uses

Alright so Pinterest keeps on telling us how amazing coconut oil is for us; it cures aging, it cures cancer, it cures acne, but did you know that it helps clean your home? Sorry, not trying to sound like an infomercial person, but coconut oil is a great way to remove dirt, polish your furniture, and do a whole lot more for your home.

homemade cleaners

5. Homemade Draino

Your bathroom sink or shower drain is clogged? Well no more! This homemade draino will save you some money and a trip to the store! Alright, I’ll stop with the bad humor. But seriously, how simple can it get? It’s only baking soda, boiling water, and vinegar. Now that’ll save you about $8 and still get your drains unclogged.

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6. Clean Burnt Pans with Lemon Oil

With some lemon oil and boiling water, you can get all of that burnt matter off your pans. I cook a lot, so this can come in handy more than once.

lemon cleaner

A lot of brands that sell things like glass cleaners, floor cleaners, and leather cleaners charge a lot of money. So when you’re able to make it at home, you eliminate the risk of toxins, but you’re also not spending money on something you could make yourself.

If you have any questions or have a favorite homemade cleaner yourself, let me know! I’d love to hear about it!

Chasing Foxes
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