6 IQ logic puzzle will make you mad because it’s so hard to find the difference. Prove you can do it.

You will have 5 seconds to find the mysterious element in the image that the naked eye cannot perceive. Please observe quickly, at the end of the test you can compare with the correct answer below.

The difficulty level will increase gradually with each level. For each question you will have 5 seconds to find the answer.


Level 1.

Screenshot 57 3

Level 2.

Screenshot 27 3

Level 3.

Screenshot 25 3

Level 4.

Screenshot 55 5

Level 5.

Screenshot 61 3

Level 6.

Screenshot 19 8

Let’s check the correct answer of the test!

Level 1.

Screenshot 58 2

Level 2.

Screenshot 28 3

Level 3.

Screenshot 26 3

Level 4.

Screenshot 56 4

Level 5.

Screenshot 62 2

Level 6.

Screenshot 20 7

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