6 Natural And Safety Methods To Help Battle Your “Maskne”

“Maskne” (Mask Acne) is a term coined for acne or skin irritation caused by prolonged mask usage. The coronavirus pandemic is not yet over, which means that you will have to continue wearing masks everywhere you go. This also means having to continue a battle with “maskne”. Luckily, there are plenty of natural ways to deal with them that you can make at home!

What Causes “Maskne”?

Numerous factors may lead to the development of “maskne”. The friction from wearing a face mask for extended time periods is the most obvious, but other risk factors for “maskne” include:


  • Makeup: Wearing makeup under your face mask increases the chances of clogged pores and acne mechanica breakouts.
  • Humidity: The heat and humidity from breathing into a mask are challenging enough on their own, but with the increased temperature and moisture in the air during the summer months, people are much more likely to experience breakouts too. In addition to causing breakouts, heat and humidity make the symptoms more severe, leading to deeper, painful types of pimples, including nodules, papules, pustules, and cysts.
  • Stress: Stress causes an increase in the production of cortisol and other hormones. This spike in hormone production taxes the immune system, and when our immune system is tired, the body starts rerouting its resources away from the skin, increasing skin health symptoms and taking longer for issues to be resolved.
  • Sunscreen: You still need to apply sunscreen every day, especially if you’re going to be outside for long hours, but this added layer of protection is also an extra product on your already irritated skin, which can contribute to clogged pores. Choosing a lightweight sunscreen or a facial moisturizer with built-in sunblock can help to minimize the number of potentially pore-clogging products beneath your mask.

Natural & Safety Methods To Combat “Maskne That You Should Try

1. Turmeric and Yogurt Mask

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This DIY mask includes turmeric, yogurt, and honey. Turmeric works effectively against inflammation and microbial growth. This will also leave your skin looking radiant thanks to its brightening properties. Also, the yogurt and honey provide anti-acne benefits, since it contains lactic acid known to lower unevenness and discoloration.

2. Tea Tree Oil for Spot Treatment

2Tea Tree Oil

After doing a facial cleanse, perform spot treatment using tea tree oil, which has both anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. However, make sure to use the tea tree oil sparingly as it is very potent; mix 1 part tea tree oil with 9 parts water to ensure it’s safely diluted, then dab it only onto pimples.

3. Spearmint Tea

3 Spearmint Tea

This may be the most soothing of these remedies. A comforting cup of spearmint tea twice daily can help you lower testosterone levels, thanks to its anti-androgenic effects.

4. Honey Face Wash

4Honey Face Wash

After removing your mask, wash your face to prevent a buildup of bacteria. This homemade face wash is made up of honey and castile soap, which work together to provide you with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and humectant properties.

5. Steam Your Face

5Steam Your Face

Experts recommend steaming your face to help loosen dirt that may have caked onto your face while you had your face mask on. The steam also increases circulation leaving your skin feeling supple. And you don’t even need an expensive machine, simply steam over a bowl of boiling water or use a soaked, hot towel!

6. Moisturize with Aloe Vera

6Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a special favorite when it comes to skincare. It promotes wound healing and helps fight inflammation. To use, scrape the aloe gel from the plant into a clean bowl. Then, start to apply to your face as a moisturizer.

The above ways can help you to clean “maskne” safety at home. However, the most important thing to remember is that despite the stress that comes with newly formed acne, nothing is more important than wearing your mask and protecting yourself and others from COVID-19.

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