6 puzzles for children that not all adults can solve, and you?

These 6 puzzles make 99% of adults unable to get a perfect score in 40 seconds. If you are confident that you have sharp eyes and an extraordinary brain, then you will have to reassess as soon as you take the test. this. Please prove me wrong.

40 seconds ready.

Level 1.

Screenshot 35 4

Level 2.

Screenshot 37 2

Level 3.

Screenshot 41 4

Level 4.

Screenshot 31 5

Level 5.

Screenshot 71 4

Level 6.

Screenshot 21 8







Level 1.

Screenshot 36 3

Level 2.

Screenshot 38 3

Level 3.

Screenshot 42 4

Level 4.

Screenshot 32 4

Level 5.

Screenshot 72 3

Level 6.

Screenshot 22 8

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