8 signs of kidney failure that if ignored may require lifelong dialysis

1. Discolored Urine

The kidneys play a vital role in producing urine and eliminating waste from the body. Changes in urine, such as unusual color, odor, or frequency, may indicate kidney failure. Examples include frequent urination, nighttime urination, blood in the urine, foamy urine, or discoloration like green or red hues.

2. Difficulty Sleeping and Sleep Apnea

Kidney failure often disrupts sleep, causing individuals to have trouble falling or staying asleep. Sleep apnea, characterized by short pauses in breathing (lasting a few seconds to a minute) followed by normal breathing, is also common. Loud snoring could further signal kidney health concerns.


3. High Blood Pressure

The kidneys and circulatory system are closely connected. Small kidney structures called nephrons filter waste and fluids from the blood. When kidney function declines, it can lead to high blood pressure due to the impaired filtering process.

4. Back Pain

Kidney failure may result in back pain, especially around the lower ribs or groin area. If back pain is paired with symptoms like fatigue, vomiting, frequent urination, or a high fever, it’s crucial to seek medical attention, as these could be warning signs of kidney issues.

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5. Swollen Ankles

Kidney failure can cause sodium retention, leading to swelling in the ankles, hands, and feet.

6. Shortness of Breath

Feeling short of breath frequently, especially when engaging in physical activity or lifting heavy objects, may indicate kidney problems. When the kidneys fail to detoxify the body properly, discomfort and breathlessness can occur.

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7. Bad Breath

Bad breath is a common symptom of kidney failure, stemming from an accumulation of toxins and infections in the body. Impaired kidney function prevents effective toxin elimination.

8. Itchy Skin

Healthy kidneys help eliminate waste and excess fluid from the blood, keeping red blood cells healthy and skin smooth. However, damaged kidneys can cause dry, itchy, and peeling skin, indicating their diminished ability to cleanse the body.

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