8 Unlucky Things You Shouldn’t Keep At Home

It would be wise to take care of the energies that you bring into your homes. Ditch these items if you don’t want to bring bad luck to yourself.

1. A Broken Clock

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In general, reflect a sense of brokenness, and looking at them every day can give you the feeling that you’re broken or beyond repair. But, broken clocks can also bring a bit of bad luck. According to feng shui, if you keep broken clocks in your home, you risk becoming stuck in a rut, and you won’t move forward in life. But, wait… it gets worse! When a broken clock chimes, it signals that death may soon come to your household!

2. An Unmade Bed

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If you struggle with getting your kids to make their beds, just tell them that an unmade bed will bring them bad luck. According to this superstition, not making your bed can cause you to have a sleepless night. What’s more, is that this can even happen to you if you’re making your bed but get interrupted while doing so! That being said, the best thing to do is to try to stay free of distractions while making your bed. And, don’t distract your kids either so they can’t use the “I got distracted” excuse for not making their beds.

3. Upside Down Shoes

We know it may be tempting to come home and kick your shoes off after a long day at work, but what you don’t realize is that doing so may bring bad luck your way. According to Ranker, Middle Eastern news and entertainment website ScoopEmpire.com reported that this Arab superstition has a logical explanation behind it. The superstition dates back to years ago when people had dirt floors. And, as such, spiders and scorpions would crawl into people’s shoes and sometimes cause death. So, they came up with this superstition to encourage people not to leave their shoes lying around for deadly creatures to crawl into.

4. An Outdated Calendar

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If you have any outdated calendars hanging on your walls, you’d better take them down immediately! Even if they’re not hanging up but are merely open, they can still bring you bad luck. For example, outdated calendars can bring misfortune, curtail prosperity, and even shorten your life. To prevent bad luck from coming your way, make sure you change your calendar(s) on time every month.

It’s also considered bad luck to hang up a new calendar before the year begins.

5. Green Paint

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You’d think that since the color green is associated with good luck in Irish folklore, it would also bring you a bit of good luck in your home. But, the truth of the matter is green paint is said to do the exact opposite — and for good reason. Once upon a time, green dyes were made with cupric hydrogen arsenic. And, when damp, green-painted, or papered walls would release toxic gases. As a result, some factory workers fell ill and died from exposure to the dyes. And, even though this toxic compound is no longer used today, some people still feel it’s best to avoid green paint altogether.

6. Lava Rocks or Sand from Hawaii

If you plan on vacationing in Hawaii, make sure you DON’T bring any lava rocks or sand back with you. According to the Legend of Pele’s Curse, taking lava rocks or sand from Hawaii will cause you to have a string of bad luck until you return the items to the islands. Whether this is true or not remains to be a mystery. But, that hasn’t stopped some people from believing in it. In fact, hundreds of visitors send packages of lava rocks and sand back to Hawaii every year because they believe they’ll have bad luck if they don’t.

7. An Open Umbrella

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Opening an umbrella indoors can be dangerous, especially if someone were to get poked by it. But, that’s not the reason why it supposedly brings bad luck. This superstition, which dates back to ancient Egypt, says that an umbrella serves as a form of protection. And, when you open one inside, you offend the guardian spirits keeping watch over your home by implying that their protection isn’t good enough. Since many people are afraid of incurring the wrath of a jealous spirit, they avoid opening their umbrellas indoors.

8. Mirrors

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We’ve all heard the superstition about a broken mirror bringing seven years of bad luck. But, did you know that if a person dies and you don’t cover the mirrors, their soul could become trapped inside? That’s because a mirror can steal a person’s soul. At least that’s what some ancient cultures believed anyway.

Here are some other things you may not have known:

-If you hang a mirror facing your bed it will bring bad relationship problems to your healthy marriage.

-You should never have mirrors in your home’s entryway. That’s because they repel all the good energy from entering your home.

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