9 Wrongness That You Probably Believe About Eating Eggs

Whether you eat four a day or four a year, these truth-bombs will likely leave you shell-shocked :0

1. Brown eggs are more nutritious than white

Nope. Surprisingly enough, the color of an egg shell differs depending on what type of hen laid them. For example, White Leghorn chickens lay white eggs, while Plymouth Rocks and Rhode Island Reds lay brown eggs. Some chicken breeds, such as the Ameraucana and Lushi, even lay blue or green eggs. This is not an indication of how nutritious the egg is, it’s simply genetics.

white and brown eggs

2. There’s no way to tell if eggs are old if you lost the carton

Believe it or not, you can test if an egg is old or expired by observing its buoyancy in water. Place an egg in water—if it sinks to the bottom, they’re very fresh. If the egg floats, however, it’s gone off. This happens because over time air passes through the egg shell into the egg (they’re very porous).

Egg Float Test

3. The shell is meaningless

Believe it or not, a shell’s thickness is actually a good indicator of egg quality. The thicker the shell results from a hen’s calcium-rich diet, which makes for a healthier hen (and therefore, a more nutritious egg). Another fun fact: shells of smaller eggs are thicker than the shells of larger eggs. This makes them easier to peel when they’re hard-boiled.

egg shells hatched chicks open

4. The built-in tray on your fridge door is the best place to store eggs

False! Egg cartons are specifically designed to prevent breaks and bumps, and they’re the best tool for preventing odors from your fridge from getting into your precious eggs. The build-in tray on your fridge door, on the other hand, is not the place for keeping eggs fresh and tasty. The opening and closing of the door results in quick and frequent temperature shifts, which negatively impacts the egg freshness.

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5. Cage-free labels mean hens are happily roaming outdoors

Cage-free hens may still have been raised in confined living conditions without access to outdoor space. This actually can reduce the nutritional value of the egg as hens have a less varied diet. Look for organic, free-range eggs instead.

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6. You should always remove the yolk, because, cholesterol

We’re over this myth! The yolk contains valuable vitamins, minerals and Omega-3s, so it simply shouldn’t be overlooked. It’s also low in saturated fat, offers protein, and thought it contains cholesterol recent research notes that cholesterol found in eggs does not significantly raise blood cholesterol levels as we previously thought.

in article eggyolks

7. You should limit yourself to three eggs per week

Incorporating eggs into your daily diet is part of a healthy lifestyle, according to the American Heart Association. When eaten for breakfast, they help keep you full throughout the morning and offer lasting energy.


8. Eggs aren’t convenient

Boiling eggs at the beginning of the week for grab-and-go breakfasts and snacks simplifies the planning process. But better yet, you can purchase Pete and Gerry’s Hard-Boiled eggs to keep at home or in the office.

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9. Egg yolks are always the same color

Next time you crack one, pay attention to the color of your egg’s yolk. A darker, richly golden yolk is one indicator that the egg came from a free-range hen and is subsequently more nutritious. Free-range hens have a more varied diet and typically lead healthier lives.

Salt Cured Egg Yolks 12

source: health.com


















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