A camel bit off its owner’s head after being left tied up in the hot sun all day

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Left tethered under the blazing sun for hours, the camel turned on its owner in a brutal attack, biting off his head.

In a tragic turn of events, an Indian man who left his camel tied up in the scorching heat all day ended up losing his life to the very animal he owned.

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As he attempted to untie the camel, the animal suddenly turned violent, launching a brutal attack and tearing off his head.

“The camel grabbed him by the neck, threw him to the ground, bit his body, and severed his head,” villager Thakara Ram told The Times of India.

It took a team of 25 people nearly six hours to finally subdue the enraged animal.

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Some villagers in Rajasthan claimed that the camel had attacked Urjaram before.

Although camel attacks on humans are rare, they can be shockingly violent and unpredictable.

In January last year, a camel at a Texas breeding farm fatally crushed two people.

Just a few months before that, an American man who ran an animal sanctuary in Mexico was killed in a brutal attack. The camel bit and kicked him before sitting on his chest, suffocating him. Rescuers had to use a truck to pull the animal off his body. Some speculate the camel was agitated that day because it hadn’t received its usual Coca-Cola.

A few months prior, a similar attack occurred in California when a camel assaulted an elderly man in the same manner. Fortunately, he survived.

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Camels are generally friendly creatures, often curious enough to sniff people and even play with their hair.

That said, male camels can sometimes be aggressive, even getting into conflicts with females.

Despite their large teeth, camels raised in captivity are usually bred to be less prone to biting.

When they do kick, their motion is more circular rather than direct, but experts note that it’s rare for them to target people.

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