Amazing Cleaning Tips For Your Stinky Washing Machine

I did a bunch of research and figured out how to clean a front loading washing machine with bleach, vinegar, and baking soda. Turns out it is really easy to do!

So, don’t be embarrassed like me, just follow these simple steps to clean your washing machine and feel good about using your machine again.

These are the questions I will answer for you in this step by step guide.

  • How to Clean the sludge out of my washing machine?
  • How Do I stop my washing machine from smelling?
  • What can I use to clean my washing machine?
  • How can I quickly clean my front loading washing machine?

Wondering how to clean your washer? Does your Front Loading Washing machine smell or have mold? Follow these five easy steps using vinegar, baking soda and bleach. You will be amazed at how quick and easy it is!

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How to Clean A Front Loading Washing Machine with Bleach

What You Will Need
  • 2 cups vinegar
  • ¼ cup baking soda
  • ¼ cup of water
  • 2 cups bleach
  • Clean rag and small scrub brush
  • Bucket with warm water and dish soap

Step 1 – Clean the Sludge

First, use a rag and some warm water to wipe down the door to your washer. Then scrub and wipe down the inside of the washer seal with a small brush or rag.

This will get rid of the sludge in your washer. You will be amazed at how much gunk/mold you will find on the door and between the seal and the washer.


Don’t forget to clean the door of your Washer. Here is how dirty mine was.

wmachine2 scaled

Use a small scrub brush to clean the rubber seal.

Step 2 – Use Baking Soda & Vinegar Mixture

Next, you will clean your washing machine by creating your baking soda mixture for the first cleaning.

Do this by combining ¼ cup of baking soda and ¼ cup of water together in a measuring cup or small bowl. Separately, add 2 cups of vinegar into a measuring cup.

Now go to your washing machine and add the baking soda mixture to your soap dispenser and pour the vinegar into the drum of the machine. Yes, I know it sounds odd to pour the liquid into the drum of the machine but it works.

Last, set your machine to normal and the hottest setting or if you have a clean washer cycle, use that. This step will help break up any mineral deposits and mold growing inside the tub.

What you need to make the paste and the measuring cup of vinegar.


Add your baking soda mixture to your washers soap dispenser.


Step 3 – Use Bleach

This step is how you will kill any smell left in your machine. I really wanted to make sure I got rid of all the mold so I did an extra step of running a cycle with bleach.

If you are already taking the time to clean your washer, you might as well take this extra step and finish killing off any mold or smell that might spread. So, bleach is the way to go.

To do this, pour two cups of bleach into the soap dispenser and run the washing machine on the same hot water settings as before.

Step 4 – Final Rinse

When the bleach cycle is done run a final rinse only cycle just to make sure all the bleach is gone and you won’t ruin any of your clothes.

Step 5 – Final Cleaning

Wipe down the washer’s seal again one more time with a rag and warm water to get out any mold that is left. I would also do one more quick wipe down of the inside drum and the door to the washer.

After this, the washer should no longer have a smell and you should have a clean washing machine ready to use.

After following these steps you will have a clean washing machine.

Additional Tips for a Clean Washing Machine
  • After you run a load of laundry, leave the door open to let it dry out after every wash. Or hang a dish towel over the door so that it stays open a crack to let air in but won’t be in your way.
  • Remove laundry right away after it is washed to keep mold from building up.
  • Wipe down the rubber seal after each time you use it with a rag. You might even find little treasures that have fallen out of pockets in the wash.
  • After you wipe it down hang the rag over the door so that the door stays open and lets air flow through. This will also help keep away the mold.
  • Try to clean out your washer once a month to maintain a clean, odor-free washer.


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