An Elderly Man, 82, Just Returned From The Doctor’s

An elderly man, 82, just returned from the doctor’s and learned he didn’t have long to live.

He called together the three most important people in his life:

  • His Doctor
  • His Priest
  • His Lawyer

“I’ve just found out that I don’t have much time left,” he said.

“I’ve called you here because you’re the most important people in my life, and I need to ask a favor. I’m giving each of you an envelope with $50,000 inside. When I pass away, I’d like you to throw the money into my grave.”

After the man passed on, the three met up and discussed what they had done.

The doctor said,

“I have to admit, I kept $10,000 to cover some unpaid medical bills, but I threw the remaining $40,000 into the grave as he asked.”

The priest said,

“I must confess, I kept $25,000 for the church, but I did put the other $25,000 into the grave.”

The lawyer was shocked.

“I’m surprised at you two! I wrote a check for the full amount and threw it all in!”

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