Smart Gadgets – Mon, 01 Apr 2024 17:34:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Smart Gadgets – 32 32 Can You Guess The WORD By The Emojis? Mon, 01 Apr 2024 17:34:25 +0000 Can You Guess The WORD By The Emojis? | Guess The Emoji | Quiz Challenge.

There are 7 questions and each question will show you some pictures and emojis and you must guess the word from the picture.

SEE MORE: Tricky Letters: Can you spot the odd one out?

Put your skills to the test to see if you can crack these emoji riddles.

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The Italian Loaves Mon, 01 Apr 2024 17:34:24 +0000 Hi there. I’m Bob. I’m 80.

Every morning, I sit on the same park bench and chat to my friend, Jim, who’s a full seven years older than me. I’ve always wondered where he gets all his stamina from – he goes for a jog each day without fail, before meeting me. And, amazingly, he’s never out of breath.

One fine day, I plucked up the courage to ask him: “Hey Jim, how on earth do you have all that stamina at your age?”

“Well, I eat Italian bread every day. It keeps your energy level high and you’ll have great stamina with the ladies,” Jim replied.

Intrigued, I decided to visit the local bakery on my way home to find myself some Italian bread and hopefully get a vitality boost. As I looked around while trying to ensure that no-one caught on to what I was doing, the lady asked me if I needed any help.

“Do you have any Italian bread?” I asked sheepishly.

“Yes, there’s a whole shelf of it. Would you like some?”

“I want five loaves.”

“My goodness, five loaves?” she exclaimed.

“By the time you get to the fifth loaf, it’ll be hard.”

I left as fast as my old legs could carry me!

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A reporter hears of a woman in his town that has the highest welfare payments, and he was curious as to why.

So he went to her house to interview her.

He got to a little house and after she opens, introduces himself and asks her, “How old are you?” He asked.

“27.” she said.

“And how many children do you have?”

“Ten,” she replied.

“Wow, ok that explains a lot.” He said, taken a back.

“And what are their names?” he asked.

“Well there’s Bob, then there’s Bob, and Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob,and of course Bob.”

“They’re ALL named Bob?” he asked, even more bewildered. “What if you want them to come in from playing outside?”

“Oh, that’s easy,” she explained, “I just call ‘Bob,’ and they all come running inside.”

“And if you want them to come to the table for dinner?”

“I just say, ‘Bob, come eat your dinner,’ and they do.” She answered.

“But what if you want just ONE of them to do something?” he asked

“Oh, that’s easy,” she said. “I just use their last name.”

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Safety at Home: 10 Common Safety Hazards Around the House And How To Handle Them Mon, 01 Apr 2024 17:34:24 +0000 Many of these accidents are preventable and dealing with a serious accident that could have been avoided can lead to a lifetime of guilt.

We have put together this quick guide to alert you to the hazards in your home so that you can keep your family as safe as possible.

There are many potential safety hazards around the house that can cause injuries or even death. Some of the most common ones are:

1. Slips and falls
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These can happen due to wet floors, loose rugs, clutter, poor lighting, or uneven stairs. To prevent them, you should keep the floors dry and clean, secure the rugs with non-slip pads, remove any tripping hazards, install adequate lighting, and repair any damaged steps or railings.

2. Fires
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These can be caused by faulty wiring, unattended candles, cooking accidents, or flammable materials. To prevent them, you should check your electrical outlets and cords regularly, never leave candles or stoves unattended, keep a fire extinguisher and smoke alarms in your home, and avoid storing flammable liquids near heat sources.

3. Carbon monoxide poisoning
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This can occur when carbon monoxide, a colorless and odorless gas, builds up in your home due to malfunctioning appliances, blocked vents, or improper use of generators. To prevent it, you should install carbon monoxide detectors in your home, have your appliances serviced regularly, and never use generators indoors or near windows.

4. Drowning

This can happen in bathtubs, pools, hot tubs, or buckets of water. To prevent it, you should never leave children or seniors alone near water, use safety covers and fences for pools and hot tubs, and empty any containers of water after use.

5. Poisoning

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This can happen when children or pets ingest household chemicals, medications, plants, or other toxic substances. To prevent it, you should store these items in locked cabinets or out of reach, label them clearly, and dispose of them properly. You should also have the poison control center number handy in case of an emergency.

6. Cuts and burns
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These can happen when using knives, scissors, razors, or other sharp objects. They can also happen when touching hot surfaces, such as stoves, ovens, irons, or curling irons. To prevent them, you should use these items with care and supervision, keep them away from children and pets, and turn them off when not in use. You should also have a first-aid kit in your home to treat minor injuries.

7. Choking

This can happen when swallowing small objects, such as toys, coins, buttons, or bones. It can also happen when eating too fast or not chewing well. To prevent it, you should keep small objects out of reach of children and pets, cut food into small pieces for young children, and avoid talking or laughing while eating. You should also learn how to perform the Heimlich maneuver in case someone chokes.

8. Electrocution
Electricity Safety For Kids

This can happen when touching exposed wires, damaged outlets, or wet appliances. It can also happen when using electrical devices near water sources. To prevent it, you should cover any exposed wires with electrical tape or insulation, replace any damaged outlets or cords with new ones, and keep electrical devices away from water sources. You should also avoid overloading outlets or extension cords.

9. Falling objects

This can happen when heavy or unstable items fall from shelves, cabinets, closets, or furniture. It can also happen when items are thrown or dropped accidentally. To prevent it, you should secure any heavy or unstable items with brackets or anchors to the wall or floor. You should also avoid stacking items too high or placing them too close to the edge. You should also be careful when handling items above your head.

10. Animal bites
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This can happen when interacting with pets or wild animals. It can also happen when encountering insects or spiders that bite or sting. To prevent it, you should train your pets to behave well and keep them vaccinated and groomed. You should also avoid approaching or feeding wild animals that may carry diseases or parasites. You should also wear protective clothing and repellent when outdoors and check for ticks after returning home.

These are some of the top safety hazards around the house and how to handle them. By following these tips, you can make your home a safer place for yourself and your loved ones.

We hope you found this quick guide useful and that you and your family stay safe at home.😊

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10 Best Cleaning Tips for Every Room in Your Home Mon, 01 Apr 2024 17:34:24 +0000 Keeping a home neat and clean requires time and effort. The clutter, dust, and dirt that make their way into our homes seem to form a never-ending cycle of cleaning.

If your home could use tidying, you’re in the right place. Here are the 10 best cleaning tips to keep your home fresh and tidy.

1. Vacuum your dryer vent

Dryer Duct Cleaning How to DIY and When to Call the Pros
Once a year, pull your dryer away from the wall and disconnect the vent. Using the hose of your vacuum cleaner, reach into the vent as far as you possibly can and vacuum.

2. Deep-clean your mattress

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Your bed needs a proper cleaning every few months to get rid of dust and dead skin cells, sweat and oils from your body. Remove and wash your sheets as usual. To clean your mattress, use a garment steamer and go over the top, sides and box spring thoroughly to kill any dust mites that may be hiding near the surface. Then use your vacuum’s upholstery tool and go over your mattress again. (This will remove the dust mites steaming has killed.) Remove any stains with a carpet and upholstery cleaner without over-wetting the mattress.

3. Update your gutters

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It’s best to call in a professional when it’s time to clean your gutters, but you can avoid having to make that call too often by having gutter covers installed that allow water to flow into the gutters while keeping leaves and other large debris out.

4. Remove stains from car seats

cleaning dirty back seat
It may be hard (or downright impossible if you have kids), but implementing a no-eating-in-the-car rule is the best way to keep car seats free of stains.

5. Clean your washing machine

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To clean your washing machine, add 2 cups of white vinegar to the drum and run it through a complete cycle on the hottest setting. Then run another cycle with 2 cups of baking soda on the hottest setting.

6. Clean your dishwasher

To clean your dishwasher, remove any food debris from the bottom of the dishwasher and wipe down the interior with a damp cloth. Then place a cup of white vinegar on the top rack of the dishwasher and run it through a complete cycle on the hottest setting.

7. Clean your oven

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To clean your oven, mix 1/2 cup of baking soda with enough water to make a paste. Spread this paste all over the inside of your oven (avoiding heating elements) and let it sit for at least 15 minutes. Then use a damp sponge or cloth to wipe away as much of the paste as possible before rinsing with water.

8. Clean your refrigerator

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To clean your refrigerator, remove all food items and wipe down all surfaces with a damp cloth or sponge. Then mix 1/2 cup of baking soda with enough water to make a paste and use this paste to scrub away any stubborn stains or spills.

9. Clean your microwave

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To clean your microwave, mix 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 cup of white vinegar in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on high for 5 minutes, then let it sit for another 5 minutes before opening the door and wiping down all surfaces with a damp cloth or sponge.

10. Clean your garbage disposal

To clean your garbage disposal, mix ice cubes, salt, and lemon peels to sharpen the blades, remove odors, and sanitize the unit

These are some of the best cleaning tips for every room in your home. I hope they help you keep your house sparkling clean. 😊

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Top 11 Plants For Your Kitchen Mon, 01 Apr 2024 17:34:24 +0000 There are many houseplants that will thrive in your kitchen, depending on the light, humidity, and temperature conditions of your space. According to the web search results, some of the houseplants that will do well in your kitchen are:

1. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

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These are easy to care for and adapt well to a variety of light conditions. They make excellent hanging plants and can help purify the air.

2. Philodendro

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These are also low-maintenance and look great in hanging baskets. They can grow in bright to medium indirect light and are known for being great air-purifiers.

3. Herbs

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These are not only useful for cooking, but also add a fresh and fragrant touch to your kitchen. Some of the easy herbs to grow indoors include chives, parsley, mint, thyme, rosemary, basil, oregano, and cilantro. They need bright, direct sunlight and regular watering.

4. Succulents

succulents care winter tips mimi giboin
These are plants that store water in their leaves or stems, making them drought-resistant and low-maintenance. They come in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes, and need a bright sunny windowsill to thrive. Some of the popular succulents include echeveria, haworthia, aloe vera, crassula, kalanchoe, sedum, and more.

5. Spider plant (Chlorophytum)

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These are among the easiest houseplants to care for. They make excellent hanging plants and produce flowers and offshoots when they are happy. They need indirect light and moderate watering.

6. Snake plant (Sansevieria)

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These are also known as “mother-in-law’s tongue” and are among the most popular houseplants. They have upright, sword-shaped leaves that come in various patterns and colors. They can tolerate low light and drought conditions and are very hardy.

7. Begonia

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These are flowering plants that come in a range of colors, including salmon, white, yellow, apricot, and red. They grow well in humidity and need bright indirect light and regular watering.

8. Peperomia

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These are small plants with thick, fleshy leaves that come in various shapes and colors. They are easy to grow and need bright indirect light and occasional watering.

9. Ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata)

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This is a succulent that has a thick trunk and long, curly leaves that resemble a ponytail. It can grow up to several feet tall and needs bright light and infrequent watering.

10. Money plant (Pilea peperomioides)

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This is also known as the Chinese money plant or the pancake plant. It has round, glossy leaves that grow on slender stems. It is believed to bring luck and prosperity to its owners. It needs bright indirect light and moderate watering.

11. Asparagus fern (Asparagus setaceus)

This is a delicate-looking plant with feathery foliage that grows well in pots or hanging baskets. It needs indirect light and slight humidity.

These are some of the houseplants that will thrive in your kitchen. I hope this information is helpful for you. 😊

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How to Cook Crispy Bacon in the Oven Mon, 01 Apr 2024 17:34:23 +0000 Cooking bacon in the oven is a simple and convenient way to make crispy and delicious bacon without the mess and hassle of frying it on the stovetop. Here are the basic steps to cook bacon in the oven, based on the web search results:

1. Preheat your oven to 400°F.

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Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C) and line a large baking sheet with aluminum foil or parchment paper. You can also use a metal cooling rack on top of the baking sheet to allow the excess grease to drip off the bacon as it cooks, but this is optional.

2. Place the bacon on the baking sheet, making sure that the slices do not overlap.

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Arrange the bacon slices on the prepared baking sheet or rack in a single layer, without overlapping them. You can fit as many slices as you can on the sheet, as they will shrink as they cook.

3. Bake for 14-18 minutes, or until the bacon is crispy and golden brown.

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Bake the bacon in the preheated oven for 14 to 18 minutes, depending on how thick and crispy you like your bacon. Regular sliced bacon usually takes about 14 minutes, while thick-cut bacon may take up to 18 minutes. You don’t need to flip the bacon over during cooking, but you can check it halfway through for even browning.

4. Remove the bacon from the oven and transfer it to a paper towel-lined plate to drain off any excess grease.

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Remove the bacon from the oven and transfer it to a plate lined with paper towels to absorb any excess grease. Let it cool slightly before serving or storing.

That’s it! You have just cooked perfect bacon in the oven. Enjoy your perfectly cooked bacon with eggs, pancakes, sandwiches, salads, or any way you like 😊.

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10 Popular Indoor Pet Friendly Plants Safe for Cats and Dogs Mon, 01 Apr 2024 17:34:21 +0000 While houseplants can add lushness and color to a room, many species can be toxic to pets that may decide to munch on a leaf or two. Luckily, several non-toxic plants for dogs and cats can add beauty to your home without posing a threat. These 10 species are technically safe for cats and dogs, but it’s still best to eliminate temptation and place all houseplants out of reach.

SEE MORE: Top 11 Plants For Your Kitchen

These non-toxic houseplants offer peace of mind and can help improve your air quality. Here are 10 indoor pet friendly plants that are safe for cats and dogs:

1. Areca palm

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This large palm can grow up to 12 feet tall and purify the air in your home. It needs bright light and moist soil.

2. African violet

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This flowering plant has purple, pink, or white blooms and fuzzy leaves. It prefers warm temperatures, high humidity, and indirect light.

3. Spider plant

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This easy-to-grow plant has long, green and white striped leaves that arch over the pot. It can produce baby plants that hang from the mother plant. It tolerates low light and dry soil.

4. Ponytail palm

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This succulent plant has a thick, bulbous trunk and long, curly leaves that resemble a ponytail. It can store water in its trunk and survive drought. It likes bright light and well-drained soil.

5. Orchid

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This exotic plant has colorful, fragrant flowers that can last for weeks or months. It needs bright, indirect light and moist, but not soggy, soil. It also benefits from high humidity and regular fertilizing.

6. Polka dot plant

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This plant has green leaves with pink, red, or white spots that give it a festive look. It grows well in low to medium light and moist soil. It can be pruned to keep it compact and bushy.

7. Calathea

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This plant has striking foliage with various patterns and colors. It likes medium to bright light and moist soil. It also folds its leaves at night, giving it a unique appearance.

8. Sunflower

Can Dogs Eat Sunflower Seeds
This cheerful plant has large, yellow flowers that can brighten up any room. It needs full sun and moist, fertile soil. It can grow up to six feet tall indoors, so it may need staking or pruning.

9. Snapdragon

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This plant has clusters of tubular flowers that come in many colors. It likes cool temperatures, full sun, and moist, well-drained soil. It can attract bees and butterflies to your window.

10. Rattlesnake plant

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This plant has long, wavy leaves with dark green spots and purple undersides. It likes low to medium light and moist soil. It is also known as calathea lancifolia.

Please note that even though these plants are considered safe for pets, it’s still important to keep them out of reach of your furry friends to avoid any accidents. 🌿🐾

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Four Guys Are At A High School Reunion And One Of Them Goes To The Restroom Mon, 01 Apr 2024 17:34:21 +0000 Four guys are at a high school reunion and one of them goes to the restroom.
SEE MORE: Little Johnny comes running into the house and asks, “Mommy, can little girls have babies?”

The other three guys start talking about how succesful their sons are.

Guy 1: My son is so successful he owns a cardealership and just gave his best friend a Ferarri.

Guy 2: Thats nothing, my son owns an airliner and just gave his best friend a private jet

Guy 3: Well my son is more success than that, he owns an architecture firm and just gave his best friend a castle

Guy 4 walks out of the bathroom and walks over to the other 3 guys

Guy 4: Hey guys what are we talking about

Guy 1: Oh, we are talking about how successful our sons are

Guy 4: Well, my son is a Gay stripper

Guy 2: You must be so dissappointed with what he’s done with his life

Guy 4: Actually, he is doing very well for himself. He just got a Ferrari, a jet, and a caste from his three boyfriends.

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It was the mailman’s last day on the job after 35 years of carrying the mail through all kinds of weather to the same neighborhood.

When he arrived at the first house on his route he was greeted by the whole family there, who congratulated him and sent him on his way with a big gift envelope.

At the second house they presented him with a box of fine cigars.

The folks at the third house handed him a selection of terrific fishing lures.

At the fourth house he was met at the door by a strikingly beautiful woman in a revealing negligee.

She took him by the hand, gently led him through the door, and led him up the stairs to the bedroom where she blew his mind with the most passionate love he had ever experienced.

When he had had enough they went downstairs, where she fixed him a giant breakfast, eggs, potatoes, ham, sausage, blueberry waffles, and fresh squeezed orange juice.

When he was truly satisfied she poured him a cup of steaming coffee.

As she was pouring, he noticed a dollar bill sticking out from under the cup’s bottom edge. “All this was just too wonderful for words,” he said, “but what’s the dollar for?”

“Well,” she said, “last night, I told my husband that today would be your last day, and that we should do something special for you. I asked him what to give you.”

He said, “Fuck him, give him a dollar.”

The lady then said, “The breakfast was my idea.”
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Not all people are able to do it: Can you find the odd symbol out? Mon, 01 Apr 2024 17:34:20 +0000 At the same time, such things fascinate people – life is not supposed to be easy, and overcoming a challenge is what makes us feel alive.

That’s why I want to share two puzzles that I think will make you struggle!

SEE MORE: Only People With Almost Perfect Vision Can Spot The Odd Emoji Out

According to the Youtube channel IQ Whirl, only a few people can get it correctly for the first time – and I understand why. You have to keep an eye on the details and that’s not something everyone has!

You have to find the symbol that stands out from the rest! On the first one, which hand looks different? See if you can spot it!

Can you find the odd emoji out??

All right, here we go!

You need to find the emoji that stands out from the others!


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Did you find which emoji is not like the others?

If not, we will provide the answer below!


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Were you able to complete at least one of these tests?

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The Best Homemade Window Cleaning Solution With Vinegar Mon, 01 Apr 2024 17:34:20 +0000 Dirty windows can ruin the look of the home, but for some reason, few of us prioritize them during our daily cleaning routine.

SEE MORE: Revive Your Linens with Vinegar: The Secret to Softer Towels and Bed Sheets at Home

Maybe it’s because windows feel separate from the other cleaning chores. They require different cleaners, different tools, and a different approach. By the time you’ve finished with the rest of the house, tackling windows can feel like too much effort.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could get sparkling windows with the same cleaner you use for the other surfaces around your home?

We’ve shown you how to clean with vinegar throughout the house, and conveniently enough, that all-purpose miracle also makes an impressive homemade window cleaning solution! With your vinegar cleaner, there’s no reason to skip the windows during your next deep clean. Simplify your routine by using this homemade glass cleaner today!

1. Mix a strong vinegar solution.

Dishwashing detergent + White Vinegar + Water
Dishwashing detergent + White Vinegar + Water

If you’ve never cleaned your windows with vinegar before, you might want to mix up a slightly stronger vinegar solution for your first attempt.

Mix two cups (480 mL) water, ¼ cup (60 mL) white vinegar (you can also use apple cider vinegar), and ½ teaspoon (2.5 mL) of dishwashing detergent.

Spray the window’s surface with the solution and wipe it with a microfiber cloth.

2. Make a basic vinegar solution.

Water + Vinegar
Water + Vinegar

If you clean your windows with vinegar pretty regularly, you can use a more basic solution for your cleaning needs.

Mix 1 cup (240 mL) water with 1 cup (240 mL) vinegar.

Spray the window glass until wet with vinegar solution and wipe it with a clean microfiber cloth.

3. Use straight vinegar.

If you have really grimy windows, you’ll want to wash them with an extra strength solution.

Simply warm 1 cup (240 mL) of white vinegar and apply it directly to glass (a spray bottle is best for this particular solution).

If your windows are extra dirty, you can leave this solution on your windows to soak for a minute or two before you rinse it off.

4. Use vinegar and baking soda.

Vinegar + Baking soda
Vinegar + Baking soda

If you want to clean your window tracks, you can use a combination of vinegar and baking soda to remove dirt and grime.

Sprinkle some baking soda along the window tracks and then pour some vinegar over it.

Let the mixture fizz for a few minutes and then scrub it with a toothbrush or a small brush. Wipe away the residue with a damp cloth.

5. Use vinegar and dish soap.

Vinegar + Dish Soap
Vinegar + Dish Soap

If you want to clean large or outdoor windows with vinegar, you can use a solution of equal parts dish soap and vinegar.

Fill a bucket with warm water and add the soap and vinegar.

Dip a sponge or a squeegee in the solution and scrub the window. Rinse with a hose or a clean cloth dipped in water. Dry the window with a microfiber cloth or a newspaper.

You can see more window cleaning solution with vinegar at THIS OUR VIDEO

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