Brilliant Uses For Aluminum Foil That Will Do All Chores In Your House

Aluminum foil is incredibly useful, and not just for making hats! 😉

By Jill Nystul – One Good Thing

There are a lot of versatile materials out there, but aluminum foil has to be one of my very favorites. It can be used as a barrier, as a heat reflector, as a light reflector, and so much more! Occasionally I happen upon a particularly good idea for using aluminum foil, and I’ll store it in my secret files for later use. Well, I finally have enough hot aluminum foil tips that I simply can’t keep to myself any longer! So here are some ways to use aluminum foil, which are certain to save you time, effort, and money in the long run! 🙂

Foil Funnel

Funnels are often one of those items that you don’t think you’ll need… until the moment that you realize you need one. 😉 If you ever find yourself in this situation, you can improvise a funnel using a piece of tin foil! Just form a cone shape with the foil, and fold the edges over to keep the shape.

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Painting Helper

Taping off doorknobs when painting can be a total pain. Save yourself some time and effort by wrapping the knobs in tin foil! It’s easy to mold to the shape of the door knob, and you can toss it easily if you drip paint onto it.


Easy Breezy Clean-Up

One of the best ways to use tin foil is to protect large, hard-to-wash pans from greasy messes. Line the bottom of your roasting pan before roasting a turkey or pot roast, then toss out the foil when you’re done. Your roasting pan can go right back into the cupboard, rather than taking up your entire sink!

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Piping Bag

Nothing elevates cakes and cupcakes like piped frosting, but you don’t need to own a piping bag to do it! Use a sheet of tin foil to form your own disposable piping bag.

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Soften Brown Sugar

If your brown sugar has turned into a rock-solid lump, it’s tin foil to the rescue! Wrap the brown sugar up in tin foil, and put it in your oven. Bake the tin foil package at 300 degrees for 5 minutes, and your brown sugar will be soft and ready to use!

Shine Silverware

If your silverware has lost its’ shine, there’s an easy way to get it back! Place a sheet of tin foil at the bottom of a baking dish, and lay your silverware out on the foil. Sprinkle 2 teaspoons of salt and 2 teaspoons of baking soda over the top. Finally, pour in several cups of hot water until the silverware is submerged. Let the silverware soak for 5 minutes, then remove, rinse, and enjoy the shine!

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 Clean Cast Iron

Use a balled-up piece of tin foil to scrub away crusty messes in your cast iron pans.

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Sharpen Scissors

If your scissors are struggling to make cuts, you can sharpen them with tin foil. Take a piece of tin foil and fold it in half at least 3 times. Use the scissors to make several cuts on the foil, and your scissors will be noticeably sharper!

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Keep It Hot

Tinfoil is especially handy for keeping things warm, thanks to it’s a reflective surface. If one part of your meal is ready before the rest of it, just wrap it up in tin foil to help keep it warm while the rest of the food finishes up.

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Take It Camping

Tinfoil makes a useful addition to your regular camping supplies. Wrap canned food in tin foil and toss them right into your campfire to heat them up! You can also use tin foil as a reflective signaling material should you get lost.

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Freeze It

Heavy-duty tin foil makes a great material to freeze things in because it doesn’t allow air to pass through. It will keep the flavors in, and the smells from other foods out! Wrap and freeze bread products, casseroles, and more.

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