10+ Easy Friendly Ways Cleaning Your Home

When you save time and money on cleaning not only will your home look and feel great but you’ll have some extra cash left over as well.

Here are some cleaning hacks for you to try out and save you a few pennies in the process…

1. Clean surfaces with water and vinegar

vinegar bottle glass cleaner

This is a fairly well-known cleaning solution but it’s cheap and effective. Mix water and vinegar together with a 50:50 ratio and start cleaning those surfaces, including worktops and kitchen shelving.

2. Restore water-marked furniture with hairdryer

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A hairdryer can do much more than just dry your barnet – hold a hairdryer close to a water stain on a wooden surface, turn it to a high setting, and watch the mark disappear.

3. Steam clean microwave

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Get your microwave sparkling by mixing two tablespoons of white vinegar and a few drops of your favourite essential oil with water and blast it for five minutes. This is cost-effective and requires absolutely no scrubbing.

4. Clean your bathtub with grapefruit

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This is one of the more unusual cleaning hacks. Get rid of soap scum and bathtub rings by taking half a grapefruit, sprinkling some rock salt on top and then scrubbing away. It will get your bathroom sparkling and smelling lovely too.

5. Deep clean shower head

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Fill a sandwich bag with baking soda and vinegar and tie it around the shower head using an elastic band. Let this soak overnight and the next day clean with an old toothbrush.

6. Vinegar and baking soda for oven cleaning

Oven Cleaner

Create a paste using baking soda and water and then apply to the inside of your oven. For the best results leave overnight. The next day spray vinegar around the oven – the chemicals will magically react and allow you to wipe any grime away.

7. Use a toothbrush for cleaning keyboards


It can be pretty tricky to clean in between computer keys with your usual cleaning equipment. This is where a toothbrush comes in – take a damp toothbrush and clean the normally inaccessible bits in between your keyboard.

8. Use a lemon to clean stainless steel

Photo by claudia crespo on unsplash

Grab a lemon, cut it in half and use it to scrub stainless steel, including sinks and taps. This will remove water stains and also has the added bonus of making your home smell amazing and citrusy fresh.

9. Use cola to clean the toilet

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Pour this fizzy drink down the toilet bowl and flush for a sparkling result.

10. Use baking soda and vinegar to unclog your sink.

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Anyone who’s been to elementary school, middle school, or high school may recognize this old science fair standby. However, this time you won’t be using it to make a volcano explode. Rather, you’ll be putting their powerful one-two punch to work to solve a common household problem: a clogged or sluggish sink.

11. Use a stockpot to clean the filter in your range hood.

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source: one good thing

Your range hood has an important job, but it can’t be done if the filter is clogged. This hack teaches you how to remove grease and grime from your filter by boiling it in a stockpot. (Yes, you read that right.)

12. Clean your toaster – the easy way! 

Clean Your Toaster The Easy Way

The toaster is one of the most difficult kitchen appliances to clean – removing the small bread crumbs is one thing, as all toasters come with a small bread crumb tray nowadays, but what about the dirt and debris that tends to accumulate both on the inside and the outside of your toaster? Here is a simple, cost-effective and super speedy way to make your toaster squeaky clean – you will never have to worry about germs sticking to your morning breakfast toast ever again!

13. Clean your dirty pans with dryer sheet

Dryer Sheet Cleans Baked On Food

This is by far one of the most amazing kitchen cleaning tips you can possibly come across – who would have thought that you can easily remove all the grease and the baked-on food debris from your pan by simply adding a dryer sheet on top of it and filling the pan with warm water? When the hot water touches the sheet, it will result in grease-removing bubbles and the sheet will simply absorb all the dirt! Fast, effortless and super efficient!


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