Check out immediately if you see these 3 things.

A hotel employee with 20 years of experience advises that upon entering a hotel room, you should always check for these 3 items. If they are present, leave immediately.

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When staying at a hotel or guesthouse, check out immediately if you see these 3 things.

A hotel employee with 20 years of experience advises that upon entering a hotel room, you should always check for these 3 items. If they are present, leave immediately.

Whether traveling for business or leisure, most people choose to stay in hotels or guesthouses. Many assume there’s nothing to worry about after checking in, but this can be a dangerous mistake.

After receiving your room, always inspect it for anything unusual. If you find these 3 items, it’s best to leave and not stay:


1. Two-way mirrors

An experienced hotel worker warns that while most mirrors in hotels are standard, you should carefully check them. Some unethical establishments may install two-way mirrors to invade your privacy.

How to check: Place your finger against the mirror. If there’s a gap between your finger and its reflection, it’s a regular mirror. If there’s no gap, it may be a two-way mirror.

 2. Dirty showerheads or faucets

Inspect the showerhead and faucets for dirt, limescale, or unusual buildup. Remove the showerhead and check the pipes. If you find hair or grime, avoid using it and inform the front desk.

3. Hidden cameras


Be alert for potential privacy breaches. Before settling in, check for infrared lights in outlets, TVs, or other room corners. These lights could indicate hidden cameras.

If you spot any suspicious devices, contact the front desk and leave immediately.

For your safety, don’t overlook these details when staying at a hotel. If you encounter any of these items, leaving as soon as possible is the wisest choice.

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