The 10 Best Ways to Clean Your House to Avoid Getting Sick

These cleaning tricks will help stop the spread of germs when someone is sick.


How to Avoid Getting Sick When Cold Season Strikes

Once cold and flu season comes around and someone in your home catches a cold, you never want anyone else to catch it too. So how do you prevent a cold from spreading? Try following these cleaning tips to prevent a cold from spreading.

Properly Sanitize Your House

Before you get started cleaning the house to reduce the spread of germs, be sure you know what will work to get rid of germs. Hand sanitizer isn’t always effective for every illness but a bleach-based cleaner typically does a good job at killing germs.

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Find the Source of Germs

How do you prevent germs from spreading in your home? Learn the areas or things people touch the most. These are things like handles, faucets, toilet handles, railings and other frequently used items. Bacteria and viruses can live on surfaces for days and even weeks.

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Limit the Spread of Germs

As mentioned before, hand sanitizer can help but it’s only one tool to combat germs. Some spots in the bedroom, like an end table, light switch or the bed itself, are the most germ-ridden, and they’re all good places to start. Wash bedding in hot water and wipe down other items with a bleach-based cleaner. Paper towels are better for disinfecting surfaces than sponges, which will spread germs more.

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Keep Air Moving

You don’t want the air to become stale in the house when someone is sick because it will keep germs in the house longer. Open the windows just long enough to get some fresh air to circulate.


Know How to Use Disinfectant

Disinfectants can be effective provided they’re used correctly. To make sure a disinfectant works correctly make sure you mist the surface and wipe it with a microfiber cloth or paper towel. Let the disinfectant sit on the surface for the time listed on the product label. The disinfectant needs time to work and after that time is up, wipe away any residue left.

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Know What to Disinfect

Not only do you need to wipe down surfaces and things that get a lot of use, you’ll want to wash blankets on the couch everyone uses, clean bath and hand towels. Disinfect bathroom items like the toothbrush holder and the medicine cabinet.

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Wash Cleaning Supplies

Yes, you’ll even want to clean your cleaning supplies too as an additional safeguard to prevent the spread of sickness. Those microfiber clothes you’re using to clean need to be washed in order to continue to be effective in eradicating germs.

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Pay Attention to Items Handled By Everyone

It’s important to keep communal areas clean to prevent the spread of germs. Even some personal items like a cell phone should be cleaned. Don’t forget to clean doorknobs and items in the kitchen where everyone tends to grab things.

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Learn How to Wash Your Hands Properly

Proper hand washing is especially important when someone in the house is sick. The CDC recommends people scrub their hands for 20 seconds. A good way to remember how long to wash your hands is to sing the “Happy Birthday” song to yourself while you do it. Not only that, but people shouldn’t share food or drinks with someone who is sick. People should also avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth.

Know How to Disinfect a House After a Cold

Even after someone no longer shows cold symptoms, it’s still important to clean to get rid of any lingering germs. That means washing clothing, bedding and towels around the house, along with continued cleaning of communal areas. Make sure to not keep dirty laundry close to you as you add it to the washer.

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source: tasteofhome



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