Clever Household Uses for Lemons That You Should Knew Sooner

By Daniel Mintz and Caitlin Castelaz

Nature’s supreme source of sour is capable of far more than adding a delightful tartness to your favorite foods. Slice up a few lemons and give these practical household solutions a go.

Get Rid of Stains on Plastic Containers

The colors of leftover sauces and fruits can give plastic containers an unappetizing appearance. But if you fill them them to the brim with lemon juice, let them sit for a bit, and then follow up with a good scrub, you’ll restore those after-dinner helpers to their original glory.

tupperware stain

Freshen the Kitchen Sink

If your garbage disposal is stinking up the kitchen, you can freshen it up with a couple lemon peels. Place lemon wedges or fresh peels into the garbage disposal, turn on the tap and switch on the disposal until the lemon washes down the drain. The result is a lemony scent that will leave your kitchen smelling fresher.

lemons garbage disposal

Whiten Your Whites

Whiten your white cotton clothes or linens with a little lemon juice. Combine 1/2 cup of lemon juice and a gallon of hot water in a bucket, then add your linens to the mix. Let it set for several hours to overnight, then place the clothes and the lemony mix into the clothes washer, add your detergent and turn on the washer to your preferred settings. The result will be whiter clothes without ever opening a bottle of noxious bleach.

bleach whites with lemon

Clean Out Your Drain

Zest away gunk stuck in the drain with a bit of citrus. A mixture of two cups lemon juice and one-half cup of baking soda, followed by hot water, will get your pipes flowing again.

lemon baking soda clogged drain

Remove Blood From Clothing

On-the-job cuts and scrapes can turn your favorite clothes into an unsightly mess. Before you toss that clothing in the bin, grab a few lemons and scrub away the red to reinvigorate your wardrobe.


Revitalize Paintbrushes

If your brush’s bristles are stiffer than unstretched muscles after a marathon, a hot soak can bring them back into shape. Boil a few cups of lemon juice and set the brushes in the simmering solution for 15 minutes. Your brushes will be ready for many painting projects.

clean paint brushes lemon

Derust Brass

It’s a fact of life: Brass is going to tarnish, as sure as the sun is sure to shine. To address tarnished brass, you don’t need to employ a toxic polish. Simply wipe your brass item with a little lemon juice, and it’ll shine like a freshly minted penny. If your item is brass-plated, not solid brass, don’t try this method—stick with soap and water or you could damage the plating.

Still life with a brass kettle a glass with tea and lemon

Polish Chrome

Even if you don’t have hard water, limescale can build up on faucets and sinks over time. But you can use the sour power of lemon to bring cloudy chrome back to its gleaming self. Your kitchen will always look showroom-new.

lemon juice faucet

Make Outdoor Paint Insect Resistant

No need to wear a beekeeper’s suit when you’re painting outside. Create a citrus forcefield by squeezing a few drops of lemon juice directly into your can of paint. Bugs simply hate the zesty scent of lemon, so they’ll steer clear of your painting project.

lemon insect repellent paint

Polish Wood Furniture

Old cabinets and tables need not look their age. Give tired wooden furniture the anti-aging treatment by polishing with a simple 2:1 solution of olive oil and lemon juice. In the world of wood, you’ll make 100 the new 20.

lemon olive oil furniture polish

Clean a Microwave

Need an easier way to bust through stubborn gunk in the microwave? Simply slice a couple lemon wedges and place in a microwave-safe bowl filled with water. Nuke on high for three minutes, then let the hot mixture stand for 10 minutes. The steam and grease-fighting lemon juice will loosen the caked-on bits of food inside the microwave, so all you need to do is wipe with a clean cloth.

lemon microwave

Clean a Cutting Board

A similar trick can be used to disinfect plastic cutting boards that have been used to prepare meat or fish. Wash the board well, then rub it with the cut side of a lemon, and heat on high for one minute to kill the bacteria.

cutting board lemons

Start Seeds

Acid-loving plants can benefit from the acidic properties of lemons. Fill half of a juiced lemon with soil, and add the seed. Once it germinates, you can plant the natural seed starter into a pot or the ground.

lemon seeds

Clean an Oven

A little spill in the oven, or an exploded baked potato can stay with you for a long time, if you let it. Say goodbye to baked-on gunk by sprinkling a bit of course salt on the mess, then scrubbing with the cut part of a lemon. The salt will act as an abrasive to break up gunk and will help soak up the grease, while the lemon will cut through it. Finish by scrubbing with a cleaning cloth to restore cleanliness.

Lemon for cleaning an oven

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