Do not immerse fish directly in water! Here are the right ways to defrost raw fish

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1. Defrosting with salt water

Take a large basin, add a spoonful of salt, and enough water to submerge the fish. Stir until the salt fully dissolves, then immerse the frozen fish in the solution. Salt is highly effective for defrosting; it’s practical for thawing both snow-covered areas and fish. After about 15 minutes, check the fish—it should be defrosted without compromising its quality or taste.

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2. Defrosting with white vinegar

Similarly, prepare a large pot and pour in a moderate amount of white vinegar. Be cautious not to add too much to avoid making the fish sour. Mix well, then submerge the frozen fish. This method may take longer than using salt water but is equally effective. After roughly 20 minutes, the fish will soften.

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3. Defrosting with a microwave

This method is very convenient for defrosting. Remove the fish from the freezer and place it in the microwave on a low setting. Start with 3 minutes, then check the fish. If it’s not fully defrosted, microwave for another 1 to 2 minutes until it’s completely thawed. This technique works well for both fish and pork, providing quick defrosting without affecting the taste. It’s better than soaking in water, even hot water, which is not recommended.

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