Doctors remove life support as family says farewell to newborn, but then he starts breathing

Life is full of uncertainties. While we can never predict the challenges and hardships that may come our way, one thing remains constant: the importance of holding on to hope and fighting through adversity, trusting that brighter days lie ahead.

Chelsea Hough eagerly anticipated the arrival of her baby. Her pregnancy progressed normally, and at 36 weeks, she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Karson Jax Hough.

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Initially, Karson appeared to be a perfectly healthy newborn. But unexpectedly, his heart rate began to slow and then stopped altogether. In a desperate attempt to stabilize him, the doctors placed him in skin-to-skin contact with his mother, and miraculously, his heart started beating again. However, the relief was short-lived, as Karson’s heart stopped once more. He was placed on a ventilator to support his breathing and ensure his heart could function.

“The only way to describe what has happened is that this beautiful baby boy has suffered two very rare conditions that are completely unrelated to one another. One being unidentifiable as to a cause,” Karson’s grandmother, Lisa Hough, shared in a heartfelt post. Doctors suspected that Karson had suffered a hemorrhage in his left temporal lobe, along with nonketotic hyperglycinemia (NKH), a rare genetic disorder that leads to the accumulation of glycine in the body’s tissues and fluids.

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The prognosis was dire, and doctors informed the family that Karson’s chances of survival were slim. After much contemplation and prayer, the family was advised to remove Karson from life support. It was a devastating decision, and they were told they would have only about 10 minutes with Karson before he would pass away.

But then, the unthinkable happened. As the ventilator was removed, Karson began breathing on his own. The doctors were astonished and called it nothing short of a miracle.

“Today, we witnessed a miracle!!” Lisa Hough wrote. “We were given 10 minutes after withdrawing intensive care and the ventilator and told he would not breathe on his own and to expect his heart to stop within those 10 minutes… Well, God and Karson had other plans!


“I’m not sure why I ever thought we were so undeserving of a miracle… and I’m not sure how long we have with him, but we have him now. And now we will take,” Lisa continued, expressing her gratitude and amazement.

Once Karson was brought home, he began to thrive against all odds. His weight stabilized, his heart rates were healthy, and the glycine levels in his body dropped significantly. Each day, he continued to defy expectations and grow stronger.

We join Karson’s family in wishing this little fighter a future filled with health, happiness, and countless blessings. His story is a testament to the power of perseverance, faith, and the miraculous surprises life can offer.

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