Dog Goes to Closed Store Daily then Leaves, One Evening Poor Boy Notices and Follows It

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A poor boy working at a warehouse next to a shuttered bike shop noticed a scruffy dog that visited the store daily without fail. Curious about its destination, he decided to follow it one day, only to uncover a heartbreaking secret.

Chris, an 18-year-old market worker, had encountered many street animals in his time, but Ollie, a Shiba Inu, stood out. Ollie was friendly, well-behaved, and looked too well-cared-for to be a stray.

Chris first saw Ollie standing in front of the bike shop, staring through the glass. His coworkers told him that the dog belonged to the store’s owner, who had suddenly stopped showing up for weeks.

Seeing the dog waiting there each day broke Chris’s heart. He loved dogs and was dismayed at the thought of someone abandoning their pet. One afternoon, before heading to the café for lunch, Chris patted Ollie on the head and asked, “Hey there, Ollie… Want a sandwich, boy?”

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From that day forward, Ollie would eagerly approach Chris during lunch, wagging his tail excitedly at the sight of his lunchbox. However, instead of eating the food, Ollie would grab it and run off, only to return to his usual spot by the shop later.

Chris found Ollie’s behavior puzzling. At first, he thought Ollie might have a litter of puppies to feed, but then he remembered Ollie was male. Despite his confusion, Chris continued to worry about the dog, especially as Ollie seemed to be losing energy and appeared increasingly distressed.

One lunchtime, after watching Ollie snatch the sandwich and sprint away yet again, Chris decided to follow him. “Ollie, where are you going?” he called out, chasing the dog. But Ollie didn’t stop, leaving Chris bewildered and frustrated.

That evening, after his shift, Chris saw Ollie sitting outside the bike shop, gazing at the glass. The sight of the lonely dog tugged at Chris’s heart. Determined to help, Chris approached Ollie and whispered, “You’re not alone, buddy! I’m here for you.”

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Chris resolved to take Ollie home, despite knowing it wouldn’t be easy to convince his girlfriend, Mila, who wasn’t fond of dogs. Chris was apprehensive but determined to give Ollie a safe place.

When Chris arrived home with Ollie, Mila was furious. “What is this dog doing here? Take it away!” she yelled. Despite her protests, Chris pleaded with her. “He needs us, Mila. Please, just give him a chance.”

Reluctantly, Mila agreed under strict conditions: Chris would be responsible for the dog, and Ollie wouldn’t be allowed in their bedroom. Chris was relieved and committed to making it work, even if it meant sleeping on the kitchen floor with Ollie.

The next morning, Chris was alarmed to find Ollie missing. His panic grew until he found Mila, who was furious. “That dog stole the steak I left out!” she accused.

Chris was disheartened. He felt betrayed by Ollie and doubted his decision to bring him home. However, later at the marketplace, Chris saw Ollie back at the bike shop, reigniting his curiosity.

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Determined to uncover the truth, Chris followed Ollie as he darted away with a loaf of bread someone had tossed him. Chris trailed the dog for miles until they reached an abandoned house on the outskirts of town.

Chris watched as Ollie squeezed under a fence and began digging at the base of a locked door. Chris peeked inside and was shocked to see a German Shepherd, trapped and ravenous, devouring the bread Ollie had brought.

Realizing the Shepherd had been stuck inside without food, Chris called the police. They arrived and rescued the emaciated dog, uncovering the decomposed body of the bike shop owner, who had died of a suspected heart attack.

Deeply moved, Chris decided to adopt both dogs. Mila, initially resistant, was eventually won over by Ollie’s gentle nature. In time, the couple welcomed Max, the Shepherd, into their home, becoming proud dog parents to their two furry friends.

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