Donald Trump DeclaresVictory In The US Election Claiming ‘We’re Going To Fix Our Country’

The results of the 2024 United States presidential election are coming in – and Donald Trump has a commanding lead over Kamala Harris this morning after millions of Americans went to the polls…Now the result has been revealed!

Donald Trump has declared victory in the 2024 US election vowing to deliver a “golden age” for America after winning the key swing state of Pennsylvania.

Donald Trump declared that he had won the 2024 US presidential election while speaking in Florida.

Trump made the speech after winning the key swing states of Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia. The conservative US network Fox News also projected Trump as the presidential winner.

The Republican nominee is to speak to jubilant supporters is Florida this morning as he edges increasingly closer to shock return to the White House.

Trump supporters started to grow in confidence early in the night as the Republican nominee extended his margin of victory in a number of key states, such as Florida.

He later clinched the important swing states of North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Georgia.

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The famously-accurate pollster Ann Selzer, who generated much media speculation with an outlier poll for Kamala Harris in Iowa, appears to have been wrong by a significant degree.

Exit polls released tonight meanwhile paint a bleak picture of the US political landscape, with three in four voters having a negative perception of the current state of affairs in the US. Only about one-quarter express enthusiasm or satisfaction with the nation’s position, with over four in 10 expressing dissatisfaction and roughly three in 10 have said they’re angry.

Despite a number of bomb threats and ongoing security concerns, millions of voters queued to cast their ballots across the United States in the battle for the White House between the Vice President and former president Trump.

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