Don’t waste money on the dentist anymore.

Don't waste money on the dentist anymore 👇

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The most crucial action you can take to keep your mouth healthy is to brush your teeth correctly. A thorough teeth cleaning at a respectable dental office is usually advised every six months. Here are a few natural teeth-cleaning methods:

Sugar and salt


Although sugar is a ubiquitous cooking component, it also offers qualities that help stop bacterial irritation and effectively remove freshly formed tartar from teeth. Salt and sugar can be used to make a teeth-whitening solution that works.

Strawberries and baking soda

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Two tablespoons of baking soda, one strawberry, and a few drops of your preferred essential oil. While baking soda contains moderate abrasives that aid in better tooth cleaning, strawberries are well recognized for their powerful teeth-whitening capabilities.


Pineapple, lemon, and soda

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One can of sugar-free Coke, 100g of pineapple, two lemons, and two tablespoons of salt combine to create a solution that can immediately clean your teeth, get rid of tartar, and enhance your oral health.

Using Baking Soda and Aloe Vera

Few people are aware that aloe vera can whiten teeth in addition to its well-known benefits for skin and hair. B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, important amino acids, and minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and zinc are just a few of the healthful components found in aloe vera. These nutrients are also particularly good at whitening teeth.

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Furthermore, aloe vera’s propolis, anthraquinones, and saponins aid in bacterial inhibition, inflammation reduction, and oral wound healing.

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