Effective Cleaning Hacks for People Who Don’t Have Time to Clean

It’s sometimes amazing how some people manage to keep their homes spotless. They also have jobs and interests! Perhaps it’s because they have some special tips and tricks to assist them?

Squeegees can help collect hair from your carpets

Carpets can make any room feel cozier, but they are also a pain to clean because dust, pet hair, and our own hair all accumulate in them. It’s extremely difficult to get all of this dirt out with a standard vacuum cleaner because it’s simply not powerful enough. Fortunately, internet users are aware of what to do; all that is required is the use of a squeegee. Simply go over the carpet, pressing it a little. The hair and dust will be drawn up and collected with a vacuum cleaner.


Tennis balls can help remove scuff marks

You can use an ordinary tennis ball to remove scuff marks. You don’t even need any cleaning agents to do it. Just take a light-colored tennis ball and rub it on something dirty. To remove more serious marks, you can put the ball on a mop handle by cutting an X into the ball. This will help you apply more force.


 Putting a tin foil ball into the washer to remove static

To remove the static from your laundry, just put a tin foil ball into the washer. The same ball can be used for a long time — around 6 months.


Vinegar can clean your washing machine

You don’t need a special detergent for washing machines because regular vinegar will suffice. Pour a liter of vinegar into the washer while running the longest cycle at the highest temperature to clean it. Stop the machine after 5 minutes and leave it with the solution for 1 hour. Then, repeat the cycle and wait for it to finish.

You’ll only need 3/4 cup vinegar for front-loading machines. Fill the detergent dispenser with it. Start the wash cycle at the highest temperature possible, and then run an additional rinse cycle when the water runs out. You can enhance the effect by adding baking soda.


Put a squeeze bottle top on the vacuum cleaner

If you put a squeeze bottle top on the vacuum cleaner, you will be able to clean very difficult-to-reach places. The top doesn’t have to be the exact same size, just turn the vacuum cleaner on and it will keep it in place. You can collect the dirt between the buttons of your keyboard or narrow window corners.


Dishwasher tablets can be used differently

One of the most unpleasant problems at home is clogs that happen unexpectedly. Most of us don’t always have an anti-clog agent on hand, so it’s great that they can be replaced with dishwasher tablets. They contain very similar agents that can dissolve grease and food waste. Just let the tablet dissolve in the drain. But don’t expect it to remove the clog as fast as an anti-clog agent. It needs more time. Also, tablets won’t remove hair.

Dishwasher tablets can remove the soap stains on the shower doors too. It’s simple: wet the tablet in warm water and rub it on the doors. After that, wash the surface with water. You’ll be able to see results in around 15 minutes.


An unusual way to remove residue from a pan

Even the most aggressive cleaning products can’t always remove all the residue and if you do it too hard, you can damage the surface. But there’s a very effective way to remove residue: pour some oil on the pan and put it inside the oven for 20 minutes. The residue will melt and turn into a liquid that will be easy to remove when it cools down.


Tape on the pan

We all know how hard it is to sweep all the dust onto the pan. You can put masking tape on the edge of your pan. And it will make it easier to collect all the dust.


Use a lint roller to clean your window screens.

We spend a lot of time cleaning windows, including the windowsills, frames, and screens. When you have a little extra time, you can use a lint roller to remove the dust and insects from the screen. You don’t even need to remove the screen.


You can wash a lot of things in your dishwasher

Despite the name, it’s not just dishes that you can wash in a dishwasher. Here are some of the things you can wash: a soap dish, a toothbrush holder, toothbrushes, kitchen sponges, plastic lampshades, makeup brushes, your pets’ bowl, fridge shelves, etc.


 A clothes steamer is not just for clothes

Clothes steamers can completely change the rules of house cleaning. They are universal: you can get rid of grease in the oven, wash mirrors and windows, and clean dust. Also, you can quickly defrost your freezer.

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