Expert reveals when your partner is most likely to start cheating on you and why

What if you could tell the precise moment and the reasons why your partner would cheat on you?

Thanks to an infidelity coach who has knowledge of probable infidelity, you can now do just that.

In addition to outlining the warning flags, the coach disclosed that a person’s age influences their likelihood of cheating.

In his book, How To Be Unfaithful Without Getting Caught, Barcelona native Albert Arnaiz detailed everything. This is all the information you require.

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At what age is cheating most likely to occur?

First, what age do experts think people are most prone to cheat?

Arnaiz told The Sun that a person is most likely to have an affair when they are 29, 39, or 49 years old.

Although there isn’t any evidence to back up these assertions, relationship and sex counselor Albertina Fisher noted that end-of-decade milestones make sense.

It turns out that age may be a role in cheating for a variety of reasons.

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Cheating due to life changes

According to the experts, one of the main reasons why people cheat at a certain age is because people tend to consider the changing social dynamics of your relationships at specific points in your life.

Fisher told The Telegraph that since marriage and having children alter many aspects of a relationship, affairs may start when a person is in their late twenties.

“For instance, it’s very common for a father to feel excluded,” she stated.

“The fact that the couple is now three could serve as a catalyst for a father to have extramarital affairs.”

She claimed that starting over with a new person rather than the one they’ve been with for years can make it much simpler for them to overcome their need to be a “different version of themselves.”

Men cheat more than women, according to statistics, but this isn’t a divisive issue.

According to a Kinsey Institute survey, 19% of women and 23% of men have cheated on their spouse.

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Cheating due to fear

According to intimacy coach Nicola Foster, those in their thirties who cheat may ultimately wish to be dishonest in a romantic relationship at work while their spouse concentrates on their professional development.

They “played the field in their twenties,” so when they settle down and realize they will only be able to have sex with one person for the rest of their lives, they begin to panic.

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Cheating due to lack of intimacy

According to Fisher, adultery in later life may be brought on by menopause, middle age, and general relationship ennui. Reduced closeness is more than just a lack of sexual activity.

“They feel they have lost intimacy in their current relationship, which is a big part of what they are seeking,” she added.

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What to do if you suspect infidelity from your partner

In general, it’s vital to stay in touch with each other throughout your life together to ensure that you’re still in agreement.

Arnaiz feels that communication is essential. One effective strategy to try to close the gap is to have non-conflict conversations with one another.

The greatest method to figure things out is to strive to understand each other as well, rather than avoiding the subject.

Date nights are a simple way to get back on track because they allow you to converse freely without having kids around.

A pair may be able to prevent outgrowing one another via communicating.

Counseling as a couple may potentially be the next step in reestablishing your relationship.

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