Eye Test: How Many Circles?

How Many Circles Do You See?

Eye Test How Many Circles

Scroll down for a clue and further down for the answer.








Clue: There are more than 3.

Scroll down for the answer.








Answer: 14.

The answer to this question is contentious and there isn’t necessarily one definitive answer.

For instance, how close to a circle in shape does the ‘circle’ need to be to be counted as a circle? Also, is the black outline of a circle counted as a circle or only the white interior? Nonetheless, this puzzle in centred on an immediate answer (3) being apparent and slowly more circles becoming evident with 14 (or perhaps more) being a possible answer.

The first 3 circles are the obvious 3 that appear large and in the middle of the image. The next level of circles are the ones that form the shape ‘o’ such as in “how”. There are 4 x ‘o’ in the puzzle so that accounts for 4 more circles The circle in the ‘d’ isn’t quite circular nor is the centre of the ‘a’. Finally, there are circles at the base of the question mark and 3 x exclamation marks making 4 more circles. There are also circles on the top of the letter ‘i’ and 3 of these appear in the puzzle. This totals 14 circles.

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