Free Ways To Make Your Room Smell Good

Wiping away dust and washing the floor on a regular basis will not make your house cleaner or smell nicer. Some scents can become embedded in furniture, household appliances, electronics, and even your own beds. Fortunately, they are all very simple to clean with everyday materials that almost everyone has at home!

Use orange peels to release a pleasant smell all over your kitchen.

The smell of citrus might provide a mood-lifting effect and reduce stress, and it’s also the perfect air freshener for your kitchen. Dry some orange peels overnight and burn them over the stove or with a lit match. This will instantly fill your kitchen with a pleasant aroma that will last for a long time.


Neutralize the smell in your garbage disposal with citrus fruit

Grab a lemon or an orange and cut it into wedges, turn the disposal on, and start putting the citrus pieces in it, one at a time. The citrus pieces will help to clean the components of the grinder and provide a pleasant smell. If you don’t have any citrus, but you do have peaches, you can use them together with their pits. This will help to dislodge any food pieces that are stuck.


Get rid of odors in your fridge using baking soda

All sorts of food smells can accumulate in your fridge. Most of the time, fridge fresheners mask the smell instead of getting rid of it. In this case, baking soda works more effectively since it absorbs and neutralizes stubborn odors. Just put an open box of baking soda in your fridge, and change it once a year.


Make use of lemons while fighting against bad odors from the microwave

Lemons are just indispensable helpers when it comes to cleaning! To remove the stink from your microwave, pour a half cup of water into a bowl. Cut a lemon in half, squeeze the juice into the bowl, and put the halves in there too. Microwave on high for about 5 minutes. After this, don’t open the door yet, but let it stay inside for a few more minutes. After this, remove the bowl and wipe down the microwave.


Make a natural room spray with essential oils

Store-bought air fresheners may include hazardous substances that are toxic to humans. You’ll need a spray bottle, distilled water, your chosen essential oil, and witch hazel to make your own at home. Combine 20-25 drops of essential oil and half a bottle of witch hazel in a bottle. It’s done when you add distilled water. Witch hazel will aid in the proper mixing of the materials and will make the aroma remain much longer. It can be used in any room or on your bedding.

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Create a natural toilet bomb

This bomb can be put into your toilet to kill bacteria and release a fresh smell all over the room. Mix 4 tbsp of citric acid, 1/2 cup washing soda, 1/2 cup Epsom salt, 1 tbsp ground soap, 1 tbsp sodium polycarbonate, and 15 drops any essential oil in a large bowl. With a spray bottle, spray enough witch hazel on the mixture until it becomes firm enough to form the balls. Form the bombs and let them dry for 6 hours.


Remember, baking soda bombs will only clean one part of the toilet. The bowl might have stains inside that need to be removed as they can release an unpleasant odor as well. In this case, a bottle of Coca-cola can save the day. Empty the toilet bowl and add the soda. The acid in it can help to remove these stains. Let it stay like this overnight and then flush it away.


Prepare a vinegar solution for stinky carpets

If you have pets, it can happen that sometimes they pee on the carpet, which leaves an unpleasant smell. In a spray bottle, mix 5 oz (150 ml) hydrogen peroxide, 1 tbsp vinegar, and 1 tbsp of baking soda. Spray the carpet and let it dry. After it dries, you will notice that a powder has appeared in the area where you sprayed. Remove it with a vacuum cleaner and enjoy the freshness.


Deodorize your mattresses by using baking soda

To make your mattresses smell fresh, you need to sprinkle some baking soda on top of them. Afterward, leave everything for around 30 minutes. Then simply vacuum it up using the upholstery attachment on your vacuum. If you want to add a scent to your mattresses, before you sprinkle the baking soda, you can mix it with an essential oil that you like.


Make a self-disinfecting toilet brush

It’s sometimes hard to detect, but toilet brushes can also fill a bathroom with unpleasant odors. The problem can be easily solved if you add liquid soap to its stand. Soap will kill bacteria after you’ve used the brush as intended and can prevent further spreading of odors.


Herbal potpourri can be used for the same purpose

If you are fond of natural scents, then you can get a bit more creative and make use of your favorite herbs. For example, make small fabric sachets filled with herbs like lavender, rosemary, southernwood, spearmint, pennyroyal, tansy, and cedarwood chips. Put them on the shelves of your closet and change them every month.


Turn your toilet paper rolls into air fresheners

Essential oils always come in handy when we need to bring a pleasant fragrance to a room. Every time you stock up on toilet paper, you can add a few drops of any oil you like inside the rolls. And that’s it. Simply put the paper where it usually stays and enjoy the pleasant aroma that will fill your room!

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Get rid of the smell of fried fish

Some types of fish smell so strong when being fried, that even turning the range hood on or opening the window doesn’t help. In this case, you can boil a cup of vinegar mixed with a cup of water on the same stove right after you cook the fish on it. The vapor from the vinegar will combat the fishy odor and eventually remove it from your kitchen.


 Take care of your washing machine too

Mold can often grow on the rubber seal that is attached to the washing machine’s door. This can cause stinky odors in your laundry room. All you need to do is mix 1 cup of bleach with 4 cups of warm water, pour some of it onto a sponge or an old towel, and clean the gasket. After this, run a cycle at the hottest water setting, adding some mold remover as well. When you’re done, try to leave the door open.


Don’t forget about house plants

They are amazing items that make your room look greener and cozier, but they also help to purify the air. Snake plants, dracaena, lady palms, Chinese evergreen, or weeping fig are some of the most popular choices.


Make your own candles

They are really fun to make and you can use any scent that you like! For example, for lavender candles you will need wax flakes, a candlewick with a metal base, lavender essential oil, and dried lavender buds for decoration. First, prepare your candle pot by placing the wick in it and securing it with a clothespin. In your microwave, melt the wax flakes, add 20-30 drops of essential oil, and pour it into the jar. Add some dried flowers and let it harden.

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