Free Ways To Organize Your House That You Wish Learned Sooner

Keeping things in order in today’s fast-paced society might be dangerous. It can be rather overwhelming, and the chaos frequently gets on our nerves, affecting us in a variety of ways – physically, cognitively, emotionally, and socially.

Double up your hangers with soda tabs

organizing hack soda can tab

Tuck spare sheets underneath your mattress

Just lift up an edge of your mattress and slide your folded sheet set in. (Sounds wacky but it totally works.)

organizing hack sheets

Add honeycomb inserts to your drawers

A place for every pair of undies, and every pair of undies in its place.

organizing hack bathtpys

Store bath toy in a fruit basket

Tidy and at the ready come bath time.

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Wrangle your freezer bag with a binder clips

Go ahead, put dead space to use.

organizing hack freezer clips

Use a shoe holder to organize everything

Organize almost anything in your home or office — like cleaning supplies, stationary, spices, clothing, or jewelry. These can be hung anywhere on the backs of doors or behind cabinets.


 Assign a place to things and label them

Keep your things sorted in a basket by designating specific places for them and putting a label on them. Handy, mess-free, and organized!

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Organize your cables with toilet roll

Upcycle the toilet paper rolls and an old shoebox for organizing any unruly wires you have lying around. Tangle-free wires are now a reality.

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Make dusting easy with a lint-roller

Use the lint roller to clean the tough spots like lampshades, sofas, suede shoes, etc. Cleaning has never been easier.

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Keep clothing from slipping off hangers with rubber bands

Or pipe cleaners. Tie one on both sides of the hanger to keep the clothes in place and save them from slipping off.

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Have mess free toilets

Shield the toilet bowl from the spray or otherwise with a potty protector, keeping it cleaner and mess-free. These can also be used to toilet train children.

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Customize your water bottle to drink more water

Keeping the body well-hydrated is one of the most advised tips for a healthy body. At the same time, more than 75% of Americans suffer from dehydration. Be reminded to drink your dose of aqua at regular intervals with this hack — labels customized according to the time.

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Label the outfits for the week

Choosing clothes for ourselves and our children is one of the most difficult decisions we confront on a daily basis. According to studies, women spend an average of 15 minutes per day deciding what to wear. Skip the morning bustle, name your clothes for the coming week, and you’re ready to go!

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Keep wires tangle-free with spirals

Save your wires from going haywire by upcycling these spirals — a simple solution to the entangled mess.

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