Genius Cleaning Hacks With Foods That Will Keep Your Home Shiny

Instead of using chemical cleaners, you should use foods that are readily available in your house for cleaning purposes. Here are some foods that you can use to keep your home flawlessly clean.

1. Lemon

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Lemon’s citric acid makes it a great cleaning agent around the house. For starters, you can use lemon to clean your microwave. Place a mixture of lemon juice, water, and peels in an uncovered bowl in the microwave on high for 3 minutes.

Keep the microwave door closed for a few minutes so that the steam doesn’t escape. Afterward, wipe the microwave with a towel, leaving it squeaky clean.

Moreover, you can use it to polish your pots, countertops, wooden cutting board, and remove stains from linens. Its great smell makes it an excellent deodorizer to freshen up your home naturally. Mix water and lemon in a spray bottle and spray around your house. Also, throw some lemons into your garbage disposal if it’s smelly.

2. Onion

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Photo: Grilling Every Season / YouTube

Use onions to remove grime and grit from your grill easily. Start by turning your grill’s heat up to super high. Cut the onion in half and rub it against the grate using a grilling fork. As a result, your grill becomes sparkly in no time.

Instead of using chemicals to clean your grill, use onions to clean as they will also add flavor to your meat.

3. Potato Peels

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Most people throw out the potato peels after peeling potatoes. But now you can use them to clean your fireplace. Creosote builds up with the continued use of firewood, but potatoes can help remove the substance.

You will need to dry the potatoes peels for 48 hours as damp peels won’t give the expected results. Laying them flat on a baking sheet will help them dry effectively. Burn them, and they will push burnt wood residue out of your chimney.

4. Banana

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Flies can be very irritating and embarrassing. However, now you can use bananas to trap them. You will need an old banana, dish soap, a jar, and a sheet of paper. Place the old banana and dish soap inside the jar.

Roll and tape the sheet of paper into a funnel shape and then place it on top of the container. The banana’s sweet smell will attract flies, and the soap and funnel will make it impossible to get out.

Banana peels are also great for polishing silver and leather or shining up the leaves of a houseplant. They even help in reducing acne and wrinkles.

5. Club Soda

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Club soda is a popular drink that is also a great cleaner since it contains citric acid, phosphoric acid, and carbonic acid. There are various ways you can use it to clean your home appliances. For instance, you can use it to clean your bathroom mirror by splashing it over and wiping it off with a sponge.

You can also use soda to restore your jewelry’s shininess, clean your countertop, remove stains from your clothes, take rust off from some pots, and clean a dirty toilet. However, don’t use it on tin, iron, and steel as it may corrode them.

6. Tea Bags

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You can use those tea bags you throw out to clean surfaces in your home. The tannic acid found in the tea helps to clean and add shine to hardwood floors.

Add some tea into your mop bucket and let it cool, then use it to clean your floor. But, don’t use it to mop laminated floors. You can also use tea bags to help deodorize and clean your toilet.

Additionally, tea bags are useful in removing grease from pans, making them easier to clean. Remove smelly stains from your carpet using tea mixed with baking soda. You no longer have to suffer living with a stinky carpet.

7. Rice

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Do you have appliances that are irregularly shaped, making them hard to clean? Luckily, rice can function as the ideal scrubbing agent. To reach the areas that are difficult to clean, use uncooked rice and soapy water to scrub. Put the mixture into the vase and swirl it around.

8. Ketchup

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Apart from making your fries tastier, you can use ketchup to clean your copper-bottomed pots. Ketchup contains acetic acid, which helps in breaking down copper oxide, which is the burnt layer.

Restore your pots’ original shiny look by slathering some ketchup onto the pots. After some time, wipe and rinse, leaving them as if they were new.

You can use the same method to clean stainless steel.

9. Salt

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Salt is not only a flavor booster but also an effective cleaning ingredient. A mixture of water and salt creates a saline solution, which you can use to clean stains of proteins.

If you accidentally stain your clothing, carpet, or even carpentry with blood, you can use this simple solution to remove the stains quickly. When it comes to wine stains, you can use salt alone to remove the stain before it permanently sticks to the fabric. All you got to do is pour salt directly on the stain.

Furthermore, coarse salt is beneficial in scrubbing jobs as it’s very abrasive. Clean your sink drain by pouring a combination of salt and hot water into the sink. Also, you can use salt to help cut grease in pans and cast-iron skillets.

The foods available in your house can make for budget-friendly cleaning supplies. Also, they are environmentally friendly with no toxic substances, so you will also be reducing waste and protecting your health and that of your family members.

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