Genius Everyday Life Hacks That Help You Save Tons Of Money

The purpose of life hacks is to make our lives easier. However, it can be difficult to come up with truly original ideas at times. Some Internet tips and methods appear to be rubbish at first. But after you taste them, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without them.

A life hack that will reduce the consumption of detergent

If you are out of liquid soap or you just want to save money, this tip will save both your money and your time. 


Whiten and disinfect cutting boards in the kitchen


Mix the following ingredients: 3-4 tbsp of baking soda, 1 tbsp of detergent, and 1-2 tbsp of hydrogen peroxide. Put the paste on the surface and wait for a few hours (you can leave it overnight).

Toothpaste can replace special tablets for the toilet

If you don’t want to spend a lot of money on special toilet tablets, you can use a toothpaste tube. One pack will last for 3 months, the toilet will smell minty, and the soda in the toothpaste has a whitening effect. Just make a few holes in the tube and put it in the toilet cistern.


Sponges keep vegetables fresh for a longer time

If you put dish sponges in the section for fruit and vegetables, they will absorb all the moisture and smells and the foods will stay fresher for a longer time. 


Kool-Aid can clean a toilet just as well as a special detergent

Kool-Aid and other similar drinks contain lemon acid which is a perfect natural detergent. This is a great alternative way to clean your bathroom and toilet.


Micellar water whittens the soles of sneakers.

This beauty product will help you to “revive” your old sneakers and leather shoes. Put some of the liquid on a cotton swab, rub the dirt, and wash it off with water.

magic eraser

A spray that irons out clothes just as well as an iron

Mix 1 tsp of hair conditioner, 1 tsp of vinegar, and 2 glasses of water. Spay the mixture on your clothes, iron them with your hands and wait until they dry. 


Cat litter removes unpleasant smells

Put a little cat litter in your trash can or put it inside a thing you want to remove an unpleasant smell from. It can be anything from shoes to mats — usually things that are difficult to wash. So, place cat litter + the object inside a plastic bag and leave it for several days.

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A trap for fruit flies

In a house where there is fruit, these insects reproduce lightning fast. And a simple trap can help you defeat them: put any fruit into a cup, cover it with plastic film, and make a hole in the film. The flies will be able to get in, but won’t be able to get out.


A rubber band will limit the expense of liquid soap

A rubber band will cut down on the amount of liquid soap you use. Here is the blog of the inventive housewife who designed this life hack.


Hairspray and a rubber glove will help to remove pet hair from furniture

Put some hairspray on a rubber glove and touch your couches, armchairs, and carpets — all the places that it is very hard to remove pet hair from.


You can keep sauces in an egg carton

This is a great life hack for those who hate to shake the leftovers from sauces bottles. If you keep them upside-down in empty egg cartons, you won’t have to shake them.


Sandpaper removes pilling from clothes

This is a quick way to make your clothes look as good as new: sandpaper can substitute for a special device for removing fuzz balls


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