“Granny Pods” Now Allow Your Aging Parents to Live in Your Backyard

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Thirty million American households provide caregiving for adults over the age of fifty. Like many others, I currently care for my parent alongside two other family members. If you aren’t already involved in caregiving, there’s a strong chance you will be in the future.

Some families decide that placing their elderly in facilities is the best option, while others choose to bring them into their homes. However, there’s a solution that may suit both sides perfectly: MEDCottage places, or “granny pods.”

Nursing Home and Senior Statistics

Concerning Nursing Home Statistics:

  • Over 40% of nursing home residents have reported abuse, with more than 90% noting incidents of neglect.
  • A 2010 study found that up to half of all nursing home caregivers admitted to elderly abuse and neglect.
  • Half of all Certified Nursing Assistants admitted to verbally abusing, yelling at, and using foul language with senior residents.
  • In 2014, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported 15,600 nursing homes in the U.S., with about 1.7 million licensed beds.

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By 2030, one in five Americans will be over the age of sixty-five, equating to seventy million people. This growing senior population will far exceed the available facilities and resources.

A 2015 AARP study revealed that 90% of seniors prefer to age in their own homes, but only 4% would choose to move in with a relative. Their ability to live independently depends on their health and available housing features.

Many seniors value safety features such as non-slip floors (80%), bathroom grab bars (79%), emergency alert systems (79%), entrance ramps (77%), and wider doorways (65%). Unfortunately, many senior homes lack these features.

Introducing MEDCottage: The Creator of “Granny Pods”

• What is MEDCottage? Reverend Kenneth Dupin founded MEDCottage in response to the limited options available to seniors regarding their living arrangements during their later years.

When living alone becomes more dangerous than comforting, seniors face tough choices. Reverend Dupin designed a solution that allows seniors to maintain dignity and autonomy for as long as possible, while families can care for their loved ones in a practical and affordable manner.

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• What are “Granny Pods”? Granny Pods are temporary, mobile structures designed to ensure that seniors can live safely and close to family. MEDCottage offers three types of Granny Pods – Cottage, Classic, and Grand – each measuring about twelve by twenty-four feet and connecting to the existing property’s plumbing and electrical systems. Country Living magazine describes them as resembling a bungalow from the outside, with interiors akin to a hotel suite, including a bed, living space, kitchenette, and bathroom.

These homes are senior-friendly and customizable, featuring safety elements like pill dispensers, webcams, padded floors, and vital sign monitors that alert caregivers if something is wrong.

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Cost Considerations

In 2010, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported average long-term care costs of $205 to $230 per day for semi-private and private rooms, translating to $6,235 to $6,965 per month.

Granny Pods, however, offer a different option. Setting up one of these structures in your backyard costs between $85,000 and $125,000. While this initial investment might seem substantial, it can be more economical in the long run, allowing families to stay together while providing a safe environment for their elderly loved ones.

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